Posts Tagged: state&local

The challenge for government: Why it’s important to know how people learn about their community

Information is power. Actually, there is no power in information but in who creates it and controls it. That’s the power of information –how it’s used. Did you know that local TV news is still the most popular source for local information in America? However, adults rely on it primarily for just three subjects: weather,Read… Read more »

Senators push to let states opt-out of medicaid expansion

States may be able to opt-out of expanding Medicaid coverage if two Senators have their way. Senators Lindsey Graham and John Barrasso introduced a bill last week designed to provide ‘Medicaid flexibility,’ for states. The Senators argue that Medicaid is a drag on state budgets and plans to expand the program under federal health careRead… Read more »

Subway cell phones: Progress or chaos?

As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) rolls out wireless service at six subway stations, the debate begins. Is the ability to text, talk, tweet, and surf underground a sign of progress or the end of civilization? The New York Times likens it to a “vast social experiment.” Michael M. Grynbaum writes: The contemplative commute couldRead… Read more »

The Role of the Facilitator in Building and Sustaining Communities of Practice

[This is cross-posted from Communities & Collaboration blog] I had the honour of being invited to present at the XIII Seminari Compartim L’e-moderador i altres nous agents de coneixement a les organitzacions on 21st September 2011 (Ministry of Justice, Spain). This post is a brief preamble to my presentation. Background My experience of knowledge sharingRead… Read more »

Part-time workers closing the gap for state government

According to census data, cash strapped state governments are firing public employees and replacing them with part-timers at an increased rate. Census numbers show that nationwide, state governments have lost over 200,000 public employees leaving much of the work to be done by part time employees. Many states are grappling with the cost of pensionsRead… Read more »

The City Bus System, Redesigned

Ten Years After Redefining BRT, What’s Next for TransMilenio? from Streetfilms on Vimeo. We’re always on the lookout for new, innovative urban transit systems. TransMilenio, captured by Streetfilms, more than fits the bill. Original post

States, Localities Inspire Federal Data-Driven Management

The New York City Police Department launched it vaunted CompSTAT more than a decade ago. This data-driven management approach inspired dozens of other cities and several states to adopt it to run their operations as well. Now it is being pioneered in federal agencies and will likely spread quickly with the encouragement of Congress andRead… Read more »

Social Media Tactics: 5 Engagement Strategies – RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. The theme for this week is ways to engage your key stakeholders. Much of this is remembering your customer service skills. One strategy is to think carefully about the way you interact with your community offline, and tryRead… Read more »

FCC seeks comment on NG911

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Last Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission adopted and released a notice of proposed rulemaking for the deployment of text-to-911, next generation 911 (NG911) applications, and an NG911 framework. The goal of this notice is to “accelerate the development and deployment of next generation 911 technology that will enable the publicRead… Read more »