Posts Tagged: state&local

Metrolink to add quiet cars

Metrolink (CA) will be adding quiet cars starting on October 3 to help commuters enjoy a “noise-free commute.” “Our new quiet cars will make the commute on Metrolink trains even more enjoyable for those, like myself, who prefer a more peaceful commute,” said board chairman Richard Katz in a statement. “Some of our passengers preferRead… Read more »

Good news details: All-state budget vertical analysis (2010-2013)

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. This article is part of the continuing “Good News” series with analysis and projections of state budgets. In particular, this article launches a new part of the series on all-state budget vertical analyses. As part of our analysis of state budget data, Deltek previously published analyses and projections ofRead… Read more »

Calgary promises better info on rail delays

After a series of technical failures on its light-rail system, Calgary Transit (AB) promised to keep its riders better informed about delays. Director Fred Wong said the system plans to publish performance standards and the agency’s long-awaited real-time information displays are just weeks away. The city, which faces potential budget cuts, promised little in termsRead… Read more »

Social Media Tactis: 5 Strategies to Manage Social Media – RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. Managing a social media initiative is no easy task. There are a lot of nuances to properly manage your social media program. If you are currently managing a program, or starting a new social media initiative, here areRead… Read more »

Local Gov IBM Report: Smarter, Faster, Cheaper

This morning I read an interesting report from IBM, Smarter, Faster, Cheaper, An Operations Efficiency Benchmarking Study of 100 American Cities. IBM provides a bleak report of local governments in the introduction, the authors state: According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), local governments in the United States are collectively facing a $225 billion structuralRead… Read more »

WellPoint sets up private insurance exchange to compete with states

WellPoint, the nation’s largest health insurer is setting up a private health insurance exchange to compete with those created and managed by governments under federal health care reform legislation. The exchange is a joint effort between WellPoint, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and Health Care Service Corporation. The exchange will serve all national marketsRead… Read more »

No more free ride on LA Metro

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (CA) will start locking turnstiles at four rail stations as part of its system-wide transition to the Transit Access Pass farecard. Locking the turnstiles will help the agency understand how many customers are using TAP cards and how many are still using paper passes. “This will help usRead… Read more »

Telling stories

Creating a visualisation of data has the power to tell a story behind the data. This article in uses indicators of deprivation to create visualisations that illustrate how poverty has spread across Cleveland over the past two decades. This article by Simon Rogers in the Guardian discusses the most deprived areas in the UK,Read… Read more »