Posts Tagged: state&local

New: Bulk Access to XML Version of Michigan Compiled Laws, by Michael Bommarito

Michael J. Bommarito II of Systematic Global Macro and Computational Legal Studies has posted an XML version of Michigan Compiled Laws — the official codification of Michigan legislation — for bulk download. According to his post, Mr. Bommarito also “improved the underlying data [of the code] by adding tags and correcting indentation as best asRead… Read more »

Kansas rejects $31.5m federal grant for health insurance exchange

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback is rejecting a $31.5 million federal grant intended to support his state’s implementation of federal health care reform requirements. In an announcement Tuesday, the Governor cited the federal deficit as his reason for rejecting money the state applied for just last December. The money was supposed to support integration of stateRead… Read more »

Boulder employers want workers to clock in on their commute

Hoping to receive a federal grant for WiFi on regional bus routes serving the US 36 corridor, Boulder (CO) officials are asking employers if they would allow workers to “clock in” while riding to work. ”Commute time can be work productivity time in transit,” said Audrey DeBarros, executive director of 36 Commuting Solutions, which wouldRead… Read more »

Computer glitch shuts down BART trains

A communications problem between two routers shut down Bay Area Rapid Transit (CA) trains for over two hours on Monday night, and officials are still trying to figure out why. “It seems to be a fluke,” said spokesman Linton Johnson. “But we have to get to the bottom of it.” When the routers stopped communicatingRead… Read more »

Counties Lead the Way – View from the Digital Counties Awards 2011

A few weeks ago, I sat amongst some of the most tech savvy counties in the U.S. at the Center for Digital Government’s 2011 Digital Counties Awards. Each year, the Center selects county winners in population categories based on a survey of their IT efforts. Because these counties span all different geographies and populations, theRead… Read more »

Illinois looks to expand wind energy with new laws

Illinois passed two new laws designed to further wind energy in the state. The new laws will create a council to study offshore wind energy projects in Lake Michigan and allow for more wind energy projects throughout Illinois. The bills are part of a broader state initiative to support renewable energy statewide. One bill willRead… Read more »

Florida’s transition toward centralized IT procurement

Deltek Analyst Randi Powell reports. Florida is making the transition to centralized management of its IT services, systems and procurements. Introduced by Governor Rick Scott as one of his many efforts to aggressively cut costs, a bill handing IT procurement authority from the Department of Management Service’s (DMS) Division of Purchasing to the Agency forRead… Read more »

SEPTA bus cameras help police make arrest

After two men attacked a Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority bus with semiautomatic weapons, video from the on-board security cameras helped Philadelphia police arrest seven suspects. No one was hurt in the June attack, which allegedly targeted a passenger for a perceived insult. Link to full story in Original post

Metrobus to provide status updates

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (DC) plans to provide real-time service alerts for its Metrobus system, according to the The Washington Examiner. WMATA is adding three people to its communications staff who be responsible for sending out status updates for the bus system. The team will work out of Metro’s bus operations control centerRead… Read more »

Text-to-911 debuts in Durham

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. August 3, 2011 marked a huge technological leap forward for Durham, NC through the availability of the new “text-to-911” program. Durham is only the second location in the US to offer this service, which was made possible as a pilot program through the City’s Next Generation 911 (NG911) provider IntradoRead… Read more »