Networking for Success: Tips for Starting Virtual Government Internships
Here are tips to help anyone — temporary workers, students and government workers — network for success when starting virtual internships and details.
Here are tips to help anyone — temporary workers, students and government workers — network for success when starting virtual internships and details.
It is one thing to say you want to take some classes. It’s another to actually do it. This is my experience being a 65-year-old college student.
Congratulations Dept of the Interior, Office of the Secretary Internship Program. Pathways officially started July 12th, 2012. I believe that DOI is first federal agency to post a PATHWAYS Internship announcement on Open July 16 to July 23, 2012. Good work HR Specialist: CANDICE.JONES@BSEE.GOV But check out below … this is only a 3Read… Read more »
E-books’ popularity rising, UR students not following trend By MATTHEW VOLKOV · Published on February 02, 2012 8:52 AM · News Drue Sokol, Photo Editor On Jan. 19, Apple, Inc. released a new version of its iBooks digital bookstore, the latest in a recent surge of new technologies. The increasing popularity of digital reading,Read… Read more »
E-Text Books – Pros & Cons by Robert Hahn As you are probably well aware tablets are everywhere these days. In fact a recent survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Live Project recently found that the percentage of adults who own a tablet PC or e-reader nearly doubled during the holiday season.Read… Read more »
Apple joins e-textbook party with iBooks, iBooks Author apps By Edward C. Baig, USA TODAY Apple is bringing its brand-name power to the fledgling market for electronic textbooks. New York by Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president for worldwide marketing. Apple also announced iBooks Author, a free software application for Macintosh computers with customRead… Read more »
Students, faculty, and staff at the University of Maryland now have access to a new app for Android users, which connects them to a “direct and instantaneous line of communication to campus police and dispatch”. Users of the app are able to contact emergency services by pushing a single button. The app uses the university’sRead… Read more »
The State Department’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) eInternship applications are available on USAJobs until July 20th. If you are a U.S. citizen college (undergrad, grad, or post-grad) student interested in conducting digital diplomacy through a virtual eInternship with a State Department domestic office or U.S. diplomatic post overseas, this program may be for you.Read… Read more »
If you are a student, or know of one who is looking for a summer job, why not consider federal government work? Federal agencies have summer job openings for students and recent college graduates – and not all of the openings are in our nation’s capital! Did you know that each year federal agencies lookRead… Read more »
Do you remember what it was like starting your two year journey as a Presidential Management Fellow? Remember the experience was a whirlwind of confusion and questions as you interviewed for a half dozen positions – some in agencies you had never heard of! I’m sure it did not get any easier when you hadRead… Read more »