The Power of Community
No one is an island. Here are tips for gaining strength through the power of community, professional development, and belonging.
No one is an island. Here are tips for gaining strength through the power of community, professional development, and belonging.
Here are the three most important dimensions of a good leader.
Hidden disabilities may have an impact on interactions with others. Remembering that each of us have our own burdens to deal with may help when trying to provide services.
“He wants to hold my hand. But I’m short.” “So walk side by side.” “He wants to hold my hand. So I said to him, ‘I’m short. I can hold your arm though.’” “What did he say to that?” “Once I put it that way, then he calmed down.” * * * Paradox: We seekRead… Read more »
Switchboard’s mission is to provide HUD’s citizens, stakeholders, and staff with the tools and channels necessary to interact meaningfully with their government in the following ways: By welcoming and encouraging creative ideation to improve HUD’s programs, policies, and operations, and engaging those interested in the process of putting those ideas into action; By creating avenues of feedback for individuals or organizationsRead… Read more »
Government agencies are ditching their old habits and implementing new service desk software in hopes of more cost effective solutions to consolidate and optimize their help desk. The Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) based in Ohio, “The Buckeye State” was established to maintain applications for roughly 2,000 employees and provide customer support for over 10,000Read… Read more »
Can federal performance management schemes influence efforts at the local level? Typically, performance management works best in systems where agencies engage in direct service delivery, where leaders have more control over what is going on. But in complex intergovernmental programs, can effective performance management systems be developed and work? A recent case study of theRead… Read more »
Agency and program leaders depend on a range of mission support functions, such as finance, technology, acquisition, or workforce management, to get their jobs done. The delivery of these functions, however, have changed significantly over the past quarter century. Twenty-five years ago, federal agencies typically did not have key executives leading mission support functions. TheseRead… Read more »
Last weekend, I took my 6-year-old daughter, Julia, to her first ever gymnastics tournament, despite a grueling proposal schedule. No matter what, I didn’t want to miss a chance to share her memorable first experience. But as with life, there were a few unexpected bumps in the road. The Tournament took place about 6 hoursRead… Read more »
Wikileaks does it again, publishing material that was meant to be classified and protected. People have called it treasonous and recommended legal action. Others have suggested a cloak-and-dagger approach to punish the guilty. President Obama has called for agencies to review their procedures for handling sensitive material. The general consensus among those in Government andRead… Read more »