Posts Tagged: sustainability

HR=Humans Represent: Friday is BAD

…yep, BAD – Blog Action Day! If you haven’t been paying attention the last few years, Blog Action Day is an annual event held every October 15 that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day with the aim of sparking a global discussion and driving collective action. ThisRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent — Emails: Endangering the Environment

They do! Did you ever stop to think about it? I’m not referring to those annoying viruses that make their way around, and I’m certainly talking about more than just printing out e- mails that you receive. Specifically, did it ever dawn on you that those e-mails you have been saving in your email accountRead… Read more »

Doomsday Clock Architecture

There is something fascinating to me about the doomsday clock—where we attempt to predict our own self-destruction and hopefully prevent it! The chart in this post from the Mirror in the U.K. shows the movement of the Doomsday Clock over the last 60 plus years. Currently in 2010 (not shown in the chart), we standRead… Read more »

How green is your mobile phone? And do you care?

How green is your phone? And do you care? The article in the Guardian swats at Apple, who refused to participate in the UK program analyzing popular mobile phones. Fast Company has a somewhat grayer take on this information, and challenges the way the phones were analyzed. Meanwhile, I’m hoping that some genius engineerRead… Read more »

Suburban Sprawl and Sustainable Communities: Enhancing Mission and Public Value through Open Government and Partnerships

For the last year, I’ve been blogging about the three pillars of the Open Government Initiative—transparency, participation and collaboration—both on my featured series on Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog. Each pillar points at the same theme: the Government cannot provide the best value with taxpayer dollars on itsRead… Read more »

Search for LAUNCH:Health Innovators

We’ve been super busy planning our next LAUNCH sustainability forum. The topic for our second forum is “sustaining human life.” LAUNCH is our incubator program that searches for visionaries, whose world-class ideas, technologies or programs show great promise for making tangible impacts on society. At each LAUNCH forum, ten innovators and 40 thought leaders comeRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – What’s Your Agency’s Carbon Footprint?

The General Services Administration has recently launched a Carbon Footprint and Green Procurement Tool to assist agencies in managing their GHGs as required by Executive Order (EO) 13514 and recent energy laws. The tool can address a broad range of tasks including: Calculation of an agency’s GHG baseline, broken down by different scopes Assistance withRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Your Green Genealogy

It’s my fourth week now since I was asked to be Monday’s featured blogger, and the last three weeks my blog HR: Humans Represent has focused on representing employment related information. This week, the focus is on representing the greening of our society. Chances are your granny had the right idea about living a greenRead… Read more »