Posts Tagged: sustainability

Going Green While We’re In The Red

Although our economy remains to be weak, there’s one bright side to this – U.S. solar power companies have increased their revenue by 36% last year, while adding 17,000 jobs. Why the sunny outlook for this business sector? Grants and tax breaks which were included in the economic stimulus bill. If the government extended thisRead… Read more »

Join in for Earth Hour March 27.

I would like to encourage everyone to participate in Earth Hour 2010. The movement symbolizes people working together to make a positive impact to protect our future and that of future generations. Visit to sign up and get posters or other ideas to get others involved. It is a great event and requires littleRead… Read more »

Green IT Best Practices

This newsletter focuses on Green IT and the growing awareness that governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations need to better manage their use of technology in an environmentally responsible manner. As large purchasers of electronic products and services, they have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to provide leadership through environmentally sound practices and cost-effective, life-cycle managementRead… Read more »

GPO has a new site design!

On Monday, May 4, 2004 GPO launched the new site design that incorporates a more transparent look and feel, with added web 2.0 elements! Government officials and customers alike agree that this site is simply amazing! “This totally brings us forward with the technological advances we’ve made as an agency,” says one happy employee. TheRead… Read more »

42 Ways You Can Help the Planet

AT HOME 1. ENERGY CONSERVATION. If every home in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), the energy saved would prevent greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the road, says Arthur Rosenfeld, a physicist and member of the California Energy Commission. He alsoRead… Read more »

The Building Industry Meets Web 2.0 at Be2Camp

How can the building industry use Web 2.0 tools to enhance delivery of services and better integrate new concepts like sustainability? These are some of the questions and issues that will be discussed at the upcoming barcamp, Be2Camp, to be held at The Building Centre on Store Street in London on Oct. 10, 2008. ThisRead… Read more »