Posts Tagged: Taskforce

Report of Australia’s Gov 2.0 Taskforce Released

Hi Folks, The final report of our Gov 2.0 Taskforce has been released and is available from the Department of Finance and Deregulation right now. Borrowing Steve Ressler’s language, It is an awesome report and in many ways the report title – Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 Report of the Government 2.0 Taskforce –Read… Read more »

Government 2.0 Taskforce Roadshow – Encouragingly Refreshing

I attended the first Government 2.0 Tasforce Roadshow held yesterday in Canberra at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in Belconnen. Whilst the agenda was published on the Taskforce web site I really did not know what to expect on the day. Given the format the event took it would have been more useful to bothRead… Read more »