Posts Tagged: tech council

My thoughts on the BlackBerry Playbook

BlackBerry teased the world with its Playbook offering yesterday and the geek world exploded between hails of “the iPad Killer hath arrived” to “meh”. BlackBerry has made some interesting choices with the Playbook. My personal thought is that in the end, the design by committee approach won over the hard core fanatics within Blackberry. TheRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up September 24, 2010

What we read this week at The IBM Center for the Business of Government: Gadi Ben-Yehuda Spy drones for your iPhone! I found two “Welcome to the Age of Skynet” toys this week: Rovio, a three-wheel robot with a camera that you can control over the the Web, and the very Terminator Salvation Parrot AR,Read… Read more »

GovUp & Cisco: The nature of digital trust

Let’s look at one of the basic elements of network security that Chris Coleman mentioned during his presentation Tuesday night (petulant microphone not included). He spoke of trust, trust in the network beneath the Internet, beneath the applications, the companies and the net itself. Without said trust, as Coleman said, the entire system of exchanges,Read… Read more »

IBM & Next American City want to see the best of Gov 2.0

How are you and your agency addressing the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century? Is it opening data for everyone? Is it developing transportation alternatives to the car? Is it preparing for demographic shifts and economic changes? Are you and your friends creating innovative ways to engage your fellow citizens and encourage others toRead… Read more »

GovUp: We Love You San Francisco!

Last night we kicked off our GovLoop National tour and we definitely made the right choice starting in the city by the bay: San Francisco. First off I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time when you get tons of Govies together and last night we packed the Minna Gallery with over 100 awesomeRead… Read more »

Feedback loops: Measuring results is easier in the private sector

(Apologies to anyone outside the U.S. for this metaphor.) Imagine waking up one morning to attend a soccer game. You arrive a bit late and the game is already in progress. What you see is mind numbing. The players all have padded gear on, stop play every time their awkwardly shaped brown leather ball touchesRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 culture needs nurture (and a catalyst) – and we’re not there yet

Republished from the original post at acidlabs. Please comment as well there if you can. Earlier this week, I attended the FutureGov Forum Australia. It was an interesting event, not least because the talking head component was kept to a reasonable minimum, with the model focussed on rotating tables with each new table hosting aRead… Read more »