Posts Tagged: techBusiness

Weekly Round-up September 24, 2010

What we read this week at The IBM Center for the Business of Government: Gadi Ben-Yehuda Spy drones for your iPhone! I found two “Welcome to the Age of Skynet” toys this week: Rovio, a three-wheel robot with a camera that you can control over the the Web, and the very Terminator Salvation Parrot AR,Read… Read more »

Transformation of DOD’s Business Systems

The Department of Defense launched an ambitious effort to transform its vast network of back office mission support systems in 2001. It has since invested large amounts of funding in the effort. What progress has the initiative achieved to date? What has been its impact? Should the new Administration continue the existing effort, terminate it,Read… Read more »

IBM Center Launches Transition Resources

Next week, we’ll know who the next President will be. And he’ll have to hit the ground running to deal with the mega-challenges he’ll face. His first task will be to put in place his team of executives to run agencies that oftentimes dwarf even Fortune 50 companies. How do they get up to speed?Read… Read more »

Presidential Transition 2008

Just joined GovLoop at the recommendation of Steve Kelman! Looks like this is a long-needed forum for public sector employees and I’m interested in helping bring both content and connections. The IBM Center for The Business of Government offers thought leadereship resources for government managers on a wide range of topics. It commissions research fromRead… Read more »