Posts Tagged: technology

GovLoop Training: Secure Your Network & Protect Your Agency

It’s a scary digital world out there. A recent GAO study found that cyber attacks on government have increased 782% between 2006 and 2012. With increasing amounts of sensitive data stored in your network or cloud, your agency faces risks that are not to be taken lightly. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. There are stepsRead… Read more »

Paperless Government is Better Government

How many hours per day to you spend dealing with paper? One hour? Two hours? For many in state and local government, it can actually be upwards of six hours a day! That’s too much time dedicated to printing, filing and searching for information when you could be doing more important, mission-critical tasks. Fortunately, emerging technologyRead… Read more »

Leadership and…Barrel Racing?

Horse riders galloping through a rodeo arena, swiftly twisting and turning around barrel obstacles, racing to finish in 20 seconds or less. Go too fast, you risk getting bucked. Go too slow, you won’t win. This, my friends, is barrel racing. Like the intricacies of this wild sport, state and local governments face unique challenges.Read… Read more »

If You “Tweet” President Lincoln, Will Gov Hear You?

As we approach the 151 anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address[1], certainly one of the most significant orations ever delivered, we do well to remember the closing; the very end of the last of the ten simple and deeply moving sentences that make up the Address. In these few, memorable words, a war-weary Lincoln charges allRead… Read more »

More Than Buzz – Redefine Federal IT

“If our federal government can truly implement a more transparent and open environment that leverages the proven insights and efficiencies available from big data, I’m really optimistic that the impact can be truly transformational.” – Audie Hittle, CTO, EMC Isilon in GovLoop’s Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution guide.  There’s a lot of buzzwords inRead… Read more »

Workforce Training—Why it Matters & How You Can Get Involved

All across government we are seeing how technology can make your job easier – the same is true in workforce training. In addition to having trainings online (which lowers costs and allows people to learn wherever they are), technology can help government agencies take an innovative approach to training that focuses more on the individual.Read… Read more »

Wise decisions = personal happiness?

Suppose you are an IT decision-maker (and who in IT doesn’t have to make decisions regularly?). For that matter, forget the “IT”. What drives your decision-making? Let’s assume that you would like to consistently make decisions so as to have the maximum positive (or least negative) impact on your own personal well-being. Does this soundRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: How State and Local Government is Leveraging Mobile Technology

Love piles upon piles of paperwork? Do you enjoy using multiple work devices that are questionably secure and most definitely not synchronized? How about heading to your office desktop before an urgent site visit instead of accessing that information in a mobile format? A big fan of these scenarios? Didn’t think so. Mecklenburg County, NCRead… Read more »