Posts Tagged: technology

IJIS Institute Launches New Corrections Technology Forum

Forum explores corrections information sharing and standards Ashburn, VA (October 22, 2013). The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission‐critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security—recently convened its first Corrections Technology Forum at the Crystal Gateway Marriot in Arlington, Virginia. Attending the inaugural Corrections Technology Forum were nearly 100 executives fromRead… Read more »

Infographic: 5 Best Practices for Improving Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of a successful company. Good customer service can increase company sales, raise competition, and enhance the image of a company. These same attributes can be applied to government agencies as well. Good customer service will enhance the public’s image of government, and give citizens a senseRead… Read more »

Half of Government Employees Fear Phishing Attacks

In our recent GovLoop survey, we found that 49% of respondents are most concerned about phishing attacks. Below, I wanted to share a case study from our recent guide, Winning the Cybersecurity Battle, and offer 3 solutions to avoid falling victim to cyber attacks. We’ve all probably received an email that is a phishing attempt.Read… Read more »

The Rise of Project Intelligence and Why It Matters

There’s a lot going on in government today. The economic pressures agencies feel from the uncertainty of budget cuts and sequestration effect every part of an organization, including the Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO is responsible for monitoring and administering government IT projects. As time goes on, priorities shift, technology advances, and new regulationsRead… Read more »

Washington Post Highlights Government’s Ability to Reach More People using GovDelivery

For government communicators and IT professionals, driving traffic to the website is one clear metric that can be tracked and analyzed over time as a measure of success. And, with Google Analytics and similar tools, you can point to increased Web traffic as part of your success as an IT professional or communicator. But inRead… Read more »

TechAmerica Unveils Six-Year Federal IT Spend Forecast

The TechAmerica Foundation forecasts federal agencies will spend $70 billion per year on known and unclassified information technology by fiscal year 2019, FierceGovernment IT reported Tuesday. David Perera writes the findings are measured in constant dollars, with civilian IT spending projected to reach $38.3 billion for fiscal 2014 and $39 billion in constant dollars forRead… Read more »

MeriTalk: 74% of Federal Cyber Pros Focus on Data Theft Defense

A new MeriTalk survey of 100 federal government cybersecurity workers says close to three quarters of professionals have put data theft prevention at the top of their list of priorities. Seventy-four percent of those respondents said their top priority was to stop data theft but ensuring a user-friendly experience was the lowest-rated priority, with 40Read… Read more »

DIA Office Issues Draft RFP for $6B Intell Services Contract

The office responsible for the Defense Intelligence Agency‘s contracting functions has released a draft request for proposals for a potential five-year, $6 billion contract covering information technology services for defense and intelligence agencies. Large and small businesses will be considered for the Enhanced Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise program and teaming arrangements are beingRead… Read more »

Could You Be the Next Cyber Attack Victim? Online Training

President Obama recently signed the Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Executive Order, mandating the development of standardized cybersecurity preparedness and a response plan for each government agency. Public sector leaders can agree that cybersecurity is important, but it is also a field rife with challenges. That’s why GovLoop and Juniper hosted an online training that discussedRead… Read more »

Survey Reveals 97% of Executives Place High Value on Becoming a Socially Enabled Enterprise

Contrary to popular belief, teenagers are not the only ones posting pictures and content on social media platforms. Federal, state, and local government agencies have been implementing commercially provided media technologies to promote their services and support their missions. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlighted several distinct methods that 23 of 24 major agenciesRead… Read more »