Posts Tagged: technology

NIC and MeriTalk Report Overview: Innovators Anonymous

NIC and MeriTalk recently partnered to conduct a survey, Innovators Anonymous. In December of 2012, MeriTalk surveyed 200 Federal managers to understand the impact of budget cuts on agency programs. MeriTalk explored how Federal managers were responding to challenges and what kinds of innovative approaches managers were taking to combat budget cuts. Report Highlights MeriTalkRead… Read more »

How Citizen Engagement Can Be Improved Through Mobile GIS

As mobile adoption continues to grow in consumer markets, it is imperative that government continue to embrace mobile and learn how to best optimize mobile technology to stay relevant and improve citizen engagement programs. The Pew Internet & American Life Project has a variety of data related to mobile adoption. In December 2012, Pew reportsRead… Read more »

9 Sources of Cyber Threats Highlighted in GAO Report

Cyber attacks pose a significant threat to our nation. With the recent release of President Obama’s Executive Order, Improving Critical Infrastructure: Cybersecurity, and a companion policy directive for federal agencies, there has rightfully been an emphasis placed on cyber security. Although both pieces of information are steps in the right direction, they also are anRead… Read more »

Gender-based Tablets? Meet “ePad Femme”

It was bound to happen sooner or later. That is, private sector companies marketing the latest tablets to consumers based on their sex — it could be a money maker, never know? World’s First Tablet for Women According to Mashable: “Don’t worry, ladies. There’s finally an easy-to-use tablet just for us. It’s called the ePadRead… Read more »

European Commission Backs Mandatory Invoice Management Automation

Discussions about invoice management and e-procurement system upgrades are circulating across-the-pond conference rooms this week as the European Commission closes out its consultation on e-invoicing in public procurement. With the European Parliament mandating e-invoicing by 2016 and the European Digital Agenda’s dictate that electronic and paper invoices will be treated equally as of January 2013,Read… Read more »

One Police Department Still Practices Asset Management With Index Cards

In the business world, poor efficiency equals lost profits and less chance at survival. As dire as that sounds, inefficiency among first responders can have even more serious consequences, especially with state and local police departments. Yet many local government agencies all over the country still grapple with the issue of asset management and inventoryRead… Read more »

Fixed Asset Management Takes Center Stage For Fire Departments

Take a spin through the headlines and it’s easy to see fire departments struggling with fixed asset management. In a rural Mississippi town recently, thieves made off with much of the equipment that allowed a volunteer fire department to do its critical job. They stole the “jaws of life,” saws, fans, tools and other equipment.Read… Read more »

Inefficient Warehouse Management Wastes 3,000 Hours Each Year

That “unproductive” feeling in your warehouse likely isn’t due to your employees’ extra coffee breaks. A recent survey of distribution centers in the United Kingdom revealed that DCs waste an average of 3,000 hours per year on inefficient workflow and processes. Responses from 250 supply chain, warehouse and distribution managers were compiled to show thatRead… Read more »

Potential Port Strike Forces Retailers to Prepare for Supply Chain Management Challenges

Chinese New Year is signaling an increase in transpacific freight, but retailers are bracing for potential supply chain disruptions over threats of a worker strike at gulf and east coast ports. Though talks made progress in December, when an earlier strike was avoided between the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) and the International Longshoremen’s AssociationRead… Read more »

Technology Review: Then and Now

The start of a new year usually signifies a time for reflection on where we’ve been and where we’re headed, and nowhere is that disparity more glaringly apparent than in the technology sector. A decade ago, a business traveler had to collect receipts, pull up Excel and spend an afternoon keying up an expense reportRead… Read more »