Posts Tagged: technology

Annual Study on Higher Ed IT Suggests Slow Migration to Cloud ERP

IT budgets on college campuses are like anywhere else: Tight and getting tighter. Still, more schools reported in an annual study that they’re continuing to invest in technology, with 25 percent planning to upgrade or replace their Enterprise Resource Planning systems for asset management, expense management, invoice management and other functions in the next twoRead… Read more »

e-Procurement: Wal-Mart’s Domestic Procurement Plan Bodes Well for American Manufacturing

It’s impossible to find a bigger retail giant than Wal-Mart. Without question, the chain is a mainstay across the United States, with a supercenter on almost every street corner. Americans love a good deal and, more often than not, they turn to their local Wal-Mart store for just that – to the tune of $444Read… Read more »

Study: Procurement Non-compliance Continues to Lag

Noted business analyst Andrew Bartolini recently released his annual report on the effectiveness of procurement organizations. The results, as they have pretty much every year, showed continued cause for concern. They also offer another compelling case for automated e-procurement solutions. The bottom line: Bartolini’s survey of nearly 270 procurement leaders found just 62 percent ofRead… Read more »

Smart Supply Chain Management Is Key to Success In the ‘Age of Now’

At some point in the past decade, society entered what I’ll call the “Age of Now.” Instant gratification is not a new concept, of course. According to Wikipedia (our favorite modern shortcut to learning things nowinstead of doing actual research), pizza delivery began in Naples way back in the 1800s. Florists have offered same-day deliveryRead… Read more »

Supply Chain Management Concerns Prompt Trend Toward Backsourcing

2011 witnessed an increase in backsourcing, which included severing ties with offshore contractors and returning business operations to domestic and local spheres, or even entirely in-house. That trend is continuing even into 2013 as American manufacturing is being reinvigorated by supply chain management concerns that are bringing more positions back home. The individual circumstances behindRead… Read more »

Supply Chain Management: Hershey Promises “Green” Chocolate by 2020

It’s the time of year when consumers are inundated with jewelry and flower commercials, stores are stocked with plenty of pink and red merchandise, and restaurant bookings hit max capacity. Valentine’s Day is one of the holidays that truly helps test logistics and supply chain management, but few companies are taking their sourcing as seriouslyRead… Read more »

Emergency Room Wait Times Impacted by Inadequate Asset Management

Most people have experienced the sometimes excruciating wait times that come with turning to a local hospital emergency room for care in a time of crisis. The phrase “hurry up and wait” comes to mind, as the rush that typically precedes arrival at the ER is often followed by a nervous (or painful) delay inRead… Read more »

Supply Chain Management: The challenges & rewards of managing movement

One of the most powerful forces shaping modern business is the ever-increasing speed and frequency in the movement of people and things across global networks and supply chains. Managing the movement of everything from employees to products to physical assets to vehicles grows increasingly challenging. Meeting these new challenges requires innovative ways to automate orRead… Read more »

Four Factors To Consider When Adopting Automated Solutions – Part 1

Little effort is needed by now to persuade business leaders that automation of business processes – from the very first link in the supply chain through accounts payable and employee expense management and all the way to the customer’s front door – should be a cornerstone in any modern business plan. Especially with the riseRead… Read more »

Four Factors To Consider When Adopting Automated Solutions – Part 2

Yesterday, in Part 1, we discussed the implementation of process automation software and some of the benefits automation can offer. We shared a handful of examples of failed implementations which are often a result of violations of 4 key qualities that interested organizations should be aware of when evaluating vendors, which we will now delveRead… Read more »