Posts Tagged: technology

Five Website Features You’ll Love (And So Will Your Visitors)

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, and we at OmniStudio want to express our love for beautiful web design. Open source tools like WordPress, combined with easy sharing plugins for social media posting, make it possible to build a website that you and your visitors will love. Here are some of ourRead… Read more »

We Need to Talk: Increasing Communication Between the Public and Private Sectors

Today I attended the first event of NextGov’s Cybersecurity Series. I originally went expecting to learn more about the nitty gritty details of potential cybersecurity legislation but instead I learned about a much wider issue concerning how our society runs. Here at GovLoop we try to connect the federal employees with the private sector employeesRead… Read more »

Join Our Study: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy

Join Our Survey: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy The GovLoop team needs your help. We are currently working on a report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy, and would be appreciative if you could take 10 minutes to take our survey to help with the research in our report. Below you will find theRead… Read more »

Is Virginia Paving the Way for BYOD?

Public and private companies alike have been wrestling with the pros and cons of BYOD for a while now, but the state of Virginia is pushing forward to not only have some of its agencies adopt BYOD policies, but to make it statewide. The Virginia Technologies Agency (VITA) “has established a platform for bringing stateRead… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »

Governing in the Next Four Years: Technology

MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Technology While you may not have come to Washington to manage information technology (IT), you should pay attention to it for two reasons. First, if you leverage IT effectively, it will help you achieve your goals. Second, if IT is managed poorly in your agency,Read… Read more »

Baby Boomers, Retirement, and Teleworking

I just wanted to chime in regarding the Federal retirement claims dropping by 57% from January 2012 to December 2012. Times ARE changing! I enjoy studying generations and several years ago predictions about the Baby Boomer generation was “all the rage.” Now the time has come and I find what is taking place fascinating. However,Read… Read more »

Misplaced or Stolen? Asset Management Blunder Causes Police to Lose Track of Equipment

Riot gear goes missing from a large city police department and a team of detectives is put on the case to track down both the missing equipment and the culprit. Sounds like the start of a movie plot, right? It wasn’t quite so entertaining when it happened to police officers in Victoria, British Columbia, whoRead… Read more »

Improving Accountability & Making Data Driven Decisions – Analytics in 2012

Throughout the month of December, GovLoop has been reviewing the year in government technology – everything from BYOD to social media, I’ve been working to highlight some case studies, best practices and try and condense the year down into one post, while looking forward to the year 2013. Follow along here by viewing GovLoop’s YearRead… Read more »