Posts Tagged: technology

Federal Government Reform Resources: Memos to National Leaders

President Obama said in his first post-election press conference that he was going to ask Governor Romney’s advice on government reform. There has been a lot of advice developed in recent months! Here are some potential resources for them to draw upon. If President Obama meets with Governor Romney to discuss ways to reform theRead… Read more »

Taking the Deep Dive – Exploring Our Oceans with GIS

An image from Esri’s Ocean Initiative – which allows scientist to explore the mysteries of the oceans Story Highlights Esri announces their Oceans Initiative, which uses GIS to help scientist learn about the oceans Be sure to view GovLoop’s GIS Report: Exploring the Promise of GIS for Government GovLoop launches interactive GIS infographic exploring howRead… Read more »

Air Force Case Study: Cost Savings from Modernizing Technology

Everywhere you look technology has been implemented to help government agencies cut costs and improve efficiencies. At all levels of government, agencies are working to cut and streamline services. Amidst a staggering economy, agencies are continually pressed to meet increasing demands from citizens, while funding resources becomes increasingly scarce. Ultimately, many agencies have looked towardsRead… Read more »

Construction and the Cloud

It’s been suggested in the past the construction industry is slower to adopt new technology than many other industries, and there’s some truth in that. Part of the problem lies in the sheer number of sectors within the industry, from architects and designers to heavy machinery providers and construction crews. Getting everyone involved to adoptRead… Read more »

Responding to Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, the Super Storm that slammed into the Eastern Seaboard early last week, left behind a wave of destruction in its path. Cities like New York, Atlantic City, Hoboken, Philadelphia and hundreds more are dealing with flooding, power outages,and destructive fires as a result. The cost of the damage left behind is estimated toRead… Read more »

What’s the Biggest Challenge for State CIOs?

What are the top tech concerns facing state and local cio’s? Are they same as the tech concerns facing the federal government? TechAmerica teamed up with the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and Grant Thornton for the third year to survey state government IT leaders. Carol Henton is the Vice President forRead… Read more »

Are State Sponsored Hacktivists the Real Cyber Threat? Innovators?

Cyberspace has fundamentally transformed the global economy. It’s transformed our way of life, providing two billion people across the world with instant access to information to communication, to economic opportunities. And yet, with these possibilities, also come new perils and new dangers. The Internet is open. It’s highly accessible, as it should be. But thatRead… Read more »

Continuous Monitoring: The New Phase of IT Security

As IT systems continue to grow in size and sophistication, greater security measures are needed to ensure that critical data stays secure. Enter Continuous Monitoring. The automated process creates data on the status of operational and business processes that goes into constant feedback loop, allowing the system to constantly quantify risks and potential compromises toRead… Read more »