Posts Tagged: technology

Taking the “2.0” Out of Technology

This topic has been coming up a lot lately. I wrote about it a few weeks back: Social Tools Do Not a Process Make. A lot of people are overly focused on technology as a solution rather than a tool that can be used to re-enforce good policy, procedures, etc. (Read=Process) Fellow GovLoop-er, and communicationsRead… Read more »

Like Steve Jobs, Government can “Think Different”

The following is the original version of a shorter post originally published on GPO’s Government BookTalk blog on October 11, 2011. On October 5, 2011, we lost one of America’s great geniuses of innovation, Apple’s founder and CEO, Steve Jobs. From the beginning, Steve Jobs seemed to “Think Different” than everyone else, which made Apple’sRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – September 16, 2011

6th edition of state-by-state Open Government Guide (HT NFOIC) How’d your state do? How do you think it could be improved? Social Media as a Credible News Source? “Still a little ooky about social media? Well, believe it or not, social media is a major element of news nowadays.” This talks specifically about social media,Read… Read more »

by admin The Future of UAVs- By Joshua Jacobs

Advancements in technology used to fight terrorism from Iraq to Afghanistan are not only a booming business, but a testament to how far these military contracted corporations are pushing the envelope. One such tool being implemented on the battlefield are UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicle(s). There are a number of reasons for the bullish effortRead… Read more »

Britain…Open to Outsourcing

With various governments limiting the amount of outsourcing programs, Mark Kobayashi-Hillary predicts that the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese IT industries will become the best in the world… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillar Who can remember that distant hazy past where Barack Obama was campaigning to become president of the USA and he talked of creating more AmericanRead… Read more »

IT Players up against UK Government Spending review

Mark Kobayashi Hillary reflects on the outcome of the UK Government Comprehensive Spending Review – Does a dip in IT Outsourcing look likely as the UK Government looks set to shift from pure IT deals to include services and business process? By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, IT Editor, Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON) The UK governmentRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Mobile Technical Expertise

Mobile isn’t just a mini-website. So begins the discussion on a challenge that all agencies have named, finding mobile technical expertise. Mobile devices are small. Their operating systems are new and frequently changing. Federal agencies need to tap pioneering technical experts to create usable and useful mobile solutions for the public. And, we need toRead… Read more »

What’s your favorite laptop for conferences?

Is the iPad sufficient? I’ve had trouble finding the perfect laptop solution for government conferences and training activities, as an attendee or speaker. Finding something tiny and portable was easy enough, but like Tim the Toolman Taylor, I just needed more power! I saw an article on for the HP Pavilion dm1 a whileRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Mobile Technical Expertise

Mobile isn’t just a mini-website. So begins the discussion on a challenge that all agencies have named, finding mobile technical expertise. Mobile devices are small. Their operating systems are new and frequently changing. Federal agencies need to tap pioneering technical experts to create usable and useful mobile solutions for the public. And, we need toRead… Read more »