Posts Tagged: technology

Is Cooperation Possible? Funding 2.0: A Model for Multi-Agency Funding for Gov 2.0 Initiatives

Certainly, I am not fantasizing magic filled utopia where happiness radiates all around and unicorns slide down rainbows into pools of blueberry jam, but let’s be realistic about the situation here. We are living in a time of shrinking budgets and disappearing funds with no relief in sight. The key is doing more with less,Read… Read more »

What Would an Always-On-The-Record Government Look Like?

Recently, I wrote a post about Government 2.0 predictions for 2010-12, and one of them was that government would “always be on-the-record.” By that I meant that the combination of (1) the proliferation of tech-savvy citizens with mobile camera/video devices, (2) the prevalence of wi-fi or other Web connections, (3) the massive number of peopleRead… Read more »

Employee Double-Dipping Damages Government in Multiple Ways

I personally was shocked at today’s USA Today article on double-dipping by state employees: But beyond highlighting the basic sleaziness of the practice, the article missed the many negative impacts to the long-term success of government. In short, governments shoot themselves in the foot when such practices are tolerated. The first casualty is reputation.Read… Read more »

Reinventing “We the People” – Excellent Presentation by PK Agarwal

Last week, I attended an outstanding presentation at the Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) in Williamsburg by P.K. Agarwal, a fellow GovLooper and California’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Agarwal was impressive both in delivery and design of the content for his session entitled, “Reinventing ‘We the People’: The Changing Face of Technology in Government.” I askedRead… Read more »

Software as a Service (SaaS) for Performance Management – Part 1

This is the first of a two-part post about Software as a Service (SaaS) for performance management. In the first part I’ll provide an introduction to SaaS, define what it is and touch on some of its applications to performance management. In the second part I’ll detail the various benefits of SaaS including but notRead… Read more »

A better question than “what’s the business case for Gov2.0?”

Don’t ask how do I make the business case for Gov2.0?”; tell us about your agency’s relationships, and the case will become obvious. Imagine that you’re a savvy Federal staffer in US Defense Military Health System Program. You’re excited by what the US Patent Office accomplished with its Peer to Patent program, eager to copyRead… Read more »

GovReads! IT Budgeting and Decision Making: Maximizing Your Government’s Technology Investments

Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive/Chief Information Officer for Oakland County, Michigan, is a new member to GovLoop. Phil released a book in June 2009 called “IT Budgeting and Decision Making: Maximizing Your Government’s Technology Investments” that he co-edited with Shayne Kavanagh. Check out the brief interview with Phil about the book below: 1) What wasRead… Read more »

SOCIAL MEDIA: Gatherng, Challenges & GovLoop

The GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS and the increasing use SOCIAL MEDIA have created a powerful duo in changing how we reach and communicate with each other and our unique “customers.” It is helping us discover the common ground upon which we walk across the world when it comes to pioneering new possibilities in government leadership andRead… Read more »

Mainframe Disaster Recovery without Tapes

Dave Race, from Govplace, recently blogged about “Mainframe Disaster Recovery without Tape”. It’s an interesting post from someone with hands on experience and knowledge. I understand that mainframe clients are struggling with the cost of protecting and recovering their mainframe data. Is anyone challenged with this issue? Here is the original blog post from DaveRead… Read more »