Posts Tagged: technology

Help the White House Sort Out!

Last week, Steve Ressler told you about an upcoming initiative to let the public shape the future of Building a portal where the public can monitor the dispersal of stimulus funds and progress of the economic recovery, transparently and in real time, is no easy feat. So, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, inRead… Read more »

Is technology killing the written language?

IS TECHNOLOGY KILLING THE WRITTEN LANGUAGE? Texting, twitter and all the other ubiquitous instant messaging methods are surely going to spell the death of the written language; or it would seem that way if you read all the blogs, editorials, articles and predictions that our obsession with these abbreviated forms of communication are ruining civilizedRead… Read more »

Transforming Information Technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Jonathan Walters’ report chronicles the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) efforts to realign and centralize its information technology activities. Describing it as an “ambitious, audacious and arduous crusade,” Walters makes it very clear that this is still very much a work in progress. There are significant hurdles ahead and certain significant adjustments will no doubtRead… Read more »

No More Excuses

If one were to ask any given selection of police departments across the country what they are doing to stay in touch with their citizens, he would receive a mixture of responses but my guess would be that a few or more of them would be that they don’t stay in touch. When asked why,Read… Read more »

Transforming Information Technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Jonathan Walters’ report chronicles the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) efforts to realign and centralize its information technology activities. Describing it as an “ambitious, audacious and arduous crusade,” Walters makes it very clear that this is still very much a work in progress. There are significant hurdles ahead and certain significant adjustments will no doubtRead… Read more »

The Future of e-Gov: Connected e-Governance

Mills Davis‘ Semantic Technologies session presentation, at today’s Gov 2.0 Unconference, is compelling, to say the least. It illustrates where the web is going, with respect to e-Gov and Web 3.0 (and onwards). Fasten your seat belts, folks. What is the role of cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies in the comingRead… Read more »

What are the best blog platforms for Australian government departments?

Republished from eGovAU. If your Department or agency is considering getting started in blogging it’s worth considering the platforms that others in government are using to meet their needs. Looking across the Australian government, there are now at least several different platforms used to deliver successful blogs. For example the ABS’s Statistically speaking blog usesRead… Read more »

eGovernment interoperability is a cultural, not a technical issue

Republished from eGovAU. This post from Oliver Bell’s OSRIN blog, eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks, time for a rethink?, served to crystalise thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile. Oliver contends that most of the technical standards for interoperability via the internet have been resolved, with commercial and citizen usage of the internetRead… Read more »

Today’s Google Federal talk at Reston Chamber

At today’s talk by Google Federal Director Mike Bradshaw, my table mate and I sent the following tweets. Worth checking out: Google’s public policy blog. Thanks to Steve Ressler for reminding me of this format, originally from David Tallan (Twitter to blog). #wattsyourplan: RT @jonmikelbailey: @wattsyourplan #restongoogle google has 1.6 megawatts of solar photovoltaic panelsRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – “Around the Corner”

Over the past year or so, blogs in the federal space have become more common and are increasingly being used to share information and ideas both internal and external to the agencies. Some great examples are Air Force Blogspot, Navy CIO, and NASA Blogs. OMB Director Peter Orszag just started a blog and the ObamaRead… Read more »