Telework Tips for Success: Find Your Groove
You’re wondering if telework is right for you and, more importantly, how to convince your boss to let you try. These tested tips will put you and your employer on the road to telework success.
You’re wondering if telework is right for you and, more importantly, how to convince your boss to let you try. These tested tips will put you and your employer on the road to telework success.
Back in June, the president issued a directive to all executive level departments, calling on them to expand the use and availability of flexible work arrangements that make it easier for employees to enjoy greater work/life balance. “In doing so, we can help ensure that the Federal workforce is engaged and empowered to deliver exceptionalRead… Read more »
Joshua, in your recent blog you asked for response to the question, “Is remote work, too remote?” You accurately detailed many of challenges that are faced during the transition from a physical office to some form of remote work. After having spent more than a decade as a remote worker, my answer to your questionRead… Read more »
After a decade of working for other people, I’ve started my own business. I’m pretty excited. I’m using my skills, knowledge, abilities, and connections, and I have no one to answer to but myself. If I succeed, it’s because I worked hard. If I fail, it’s because I didn’t get the formula right. The bestRead… Read more »
The recent Amazon cloud crash raised the question of whether cloud is doomed for the federal government. It’s a familiar phenomenon and an unfortunate one, the projection of a single incident to impugn an entire industry. Was this incident serious enough to ruin the future of cloud computing in the federal government? FedInsider takes aRead… Read more »
The Top Eight Priorities to Consider When Evaluating Video Conferencing Tools 1) Security – Security should be at the very core of the selection of any video conferencing system. You can easily begin your search by choosing from products that have met the strict standards set forth by NIST for FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Certification.Read… Read more »
Did today’s ice sheet over DC cause you to wish your agency supported teleworking? It’s now encouraged by law, but how do agencies actually get it implemented? The IBM Center has released a new report examining the experiences of four pioneering agencies and what they learned, so you don’t have to! There are enormous benefitsRead… Read more »
It’s true that the D.C. area is home to one of the worst commutes in the nation. Think you can breeze through 66, 270, or the Beltway in rush hour? Good luck to you. They say it’s going to rain. Better luck next time. I’ll bet on something that has better odds, like the lottery.Read… Read more »
The term – workplace flexibility – is all the buzz at the White House. If you watched the live stream of the Workplace Flexibility Forum last week, hosted by The White House (, you know what I mean. The President and First Lady opened and closed the session, discussing the importance of creating workplace practicesRead… Read more »
“It’s like a prison,” he explained. “I mean, it’s only for a couple months, but I don’t know if I am well-suited for teleworking. I need to be around people.” With an office renovation forcing him from the office, a colleague recently shared these initial impressions of his teleworking experience. I’ve been a remote employeeRead… Read more »