Lessons Learned from the Big Bang Theory
We are all different and sometimes we don’t understand why what is second nature to us, doesn’t make sense to someone else.
We are all different and sometimes we don’t understand why what is second nature to us, doesn’t make sense to someone else.
Lauded as the “last honest newsman” by some and decried as a tool of the Obama administration by others, whether you like him or not, Jon Stewart has long been one of the country’s most influential political comedians. Over the last 16 years, Jon Stewart has welcomed many government agency big shots into the interview hot seat on The Daily Show. ThoughRead… Read more »
The other day, while I was thinking about what to write for this week’s post, I got to thinking about the rise of reality television. I was pretty young when it started…but it has become a pretty big part of popular culture. One of the more peculiar reality shows I remember was one that wasRead… Read more »
The series Empire has captivated quite an array of audience. The series is centered on a Hip hop music and entertainment company, Empire Enterprises, and the drama among the members as they fight for positions within the company as well as the dynamics that takes place in its environment. When I watch Empire each week,Read… Read more »
Eric Erickson is writing Recruitment 411 for Julie this summer. When not working in the IRS Recruitment Office, he spends his time waiting for the January premiere of the third season of ‘Downton Abbey’ on PBS. I’ve worked enough jobs to know that most workgroups are made up of a similar cast of characters. NoRead… Read more »
Http://LeonardSipes.Com I returned from the Blog World-New Media conference in Los Angeles last night (http://www.blogworld.com/ ) and it’s easy to say that it’s the best social media conference I’ve attended (third time for me). Four-thousand participants from over 100 countries filled the room with massive energy and creativity. You can’t go to Blog World withoutRead… Read more »
http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/video/2011/09/television-commercial-for-csosa-and-dc-public-safety/ The Mayor’s Office on Cable Television (MOCT) created a commercial for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s “DC Public Safety” television series in the summer of 2011 (see link above). It was distributed to 60 cable outlets. The DC Mayor’s Office of Cable TV (MOCT) films “DC Public Safety” for the Court ServicesRead… Read more »
See http://media.csosa.gov (television). “Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” provides an overview of inter agency cooperation between the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C. CSOSA partners with MPD and other law enforcement agencies and adjacent states on a wide variety of public safety initiatives. Both agenciesRead… Read more »