Posts Tagged: telework

Is Traditional Office Space Dysfunctional? – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER has be talking about telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers. On Monday Professor Sullivan told Chris that innovation and telework don’t mix. But JackRead… Read more »

Patent and Trademark Office Does Telework Right – Can Your Agency Copy It? – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. But Tom Fox says telework shouldn’t be a blackRead… Read more »

It’s About the Work, Not the Office – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. On Monday we talked with San Francisco State UniversityRead… Read more »

Is removing telework a morale crushing mistake? DorobekINSIDER’s Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. Yesterday we talked with San Francisco State University ProfessorRead… Read more »

Impossible to Innovate and Telework? One Professor Says YES. Find Out Why.

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking about telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers. But John Sullivan a Professor of Management at San Francisco State University says Mayer’sRead… Read more »

YOURcloud, Taking Shared Services to the Next Level – Plus Your Weekend Reads (Telework Week)

On the DorobekINSIDER this week: Sequestration Fixes Could Still Hurt Feds? What Are They? Sequestration carries the threat of widespread furloughs of many federal employees, but the alternatives could amount to a case of pick your poison for those same feds. Some of the solutions include cuts to retirement contributions, pay freezes and a reducedRead… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day – and Workplace Flexibility!

Today is International Women’s Day, a holiday that originated as a way of recognizing working women and promoting fair and safe working conditions. Many women across the globe face the most basic issues with respect to the conditions in which they work. In the US, we are lucky to have made great strides in thisRead… Read more »

Can You, Should You Telework?

More than 109,000 people have pledged to stay home this week. It’s all part of National Telework Week. The 3rd annual experiment allows agencies to test telework strategies for one week. Dan Kent is the Federal CTO and Director of Solutions at Cisco. He told me that Telework Week is growing, already this year’s pledgesRead… Read more »

Does Mobility Destroy Creativity?

With Telework Week fast approaching on March 4th and the leaked memo from Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, turning back the clock on workplace flexibility, it seems like a good time to comment on the twin concepts of “connection” and “innovation.” Whatever Mayer’s real motivation for wanting to bring the Yahoo workforce back into the office,Read… Read more »

Yahoo! or Oh No! No More Telework?

This just in an ailing company has decided that banning telework is the way to get themselves back on track. Yahoo! released a memo last week that tells employees that telework is no longer acceptable and that employees need to physically be in the office in order to effectively collaborate and communicate. According to Yahoo!Read… Read more »