Posts Tagged: telework

Another Telework Driver: Freezing the Federal Footprint

In line with its mission to ensure the careful use of Federal funds, OMB issued guidance on 5/11/12 to Federal agencies that requires them to make more efficient use of existing government real estate — in effect, “freezing the Federal footprint.” In a roundabout way, this is good news for Telework fans. By requiring agenciesRead… Read more »

Telework: Trust – But Verify

One of the biggest reasons managers give for resisting the implementation of telework policies is that they do not believe that their employees will “really” work when they are not in the office. Those of us who have embraced a more flexible work design may consider this an “attitude adjustment” problem – on the partRead… Read more »

Tax day gets less taxing via video–Will new IRS VTC pilot program work?

According to a recent article in Fierce Enterprise Communications, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is looking to provide support and a helping hand to Americans drowning in a sea of tax laws and paperwork. However, the IRS has limited resources, and obviously can’t be present to help every struggling American. It’s for this reason thatRead… Read more »

Teleworking Isn’t As Easy As It Seems (How in the world do you work from anywhere?)

After a decade of working for other people, I’ve started my own business. I’m pretty excited. I’m using my skills, knowledge, abilities, and connections, and I have no one to answer to but myself. If I succeed, it’s because I worked hard. If I fail, it’s because I didn’t get the formula right. The bestRead… Read more »

It’s Not Just About Escaping the Office

One reason the word “telework” seems inadequate to describe how we want to change the workplace is that it suggests that our focus is only on how people can be effective when they work at home. But that’s not really what it’s all about. The Workplace of the Future is about people working where, when,Read… Read more »

What Are Your Tech Needs for Teleworking?

I’ve never been a teleworker, but with current trends, there is a strong likelihood that at some point in my career, I will be working remote for an extended period of time. Telework certainly has numerous benefits for government, and with available technology, many of the stigmas and concerns related to teleworking are becoming obsolete.Read… Read more »

Amazing Telepresence Demo at Government Solutions Forum

On to the last session at the Cisco Government Solutions Forum, lots of great content today and lessons learned to share back with the GovLoop community. The last session that I will be sitting in on is, Impacting Training & Development with Interactive Video..the Ripple Effect, this was part of the Mobile Collaboration track. ThroughoutRead… Read more »

Telework According to Berry

Tom Shoop, Vice president and Editor in Chief at Gov Exec Media Group, writes that they are big on telework because the nature of their business, as reporters, requires them to be out and about attending events and conducting interviews, so even in the pre-Internet age, the editors who managed them had to get comfortableRead… Read more »

Is Telework a Critical Benefit?

As someone who teleworks full-time and considers it a non-negotiable benefit, it’s a topic near and dear to my heart. Across government it would seem the tide is shifting in favor of telework, yet many employees still find barriers from management perception to lengthy delays in implementation. What about you – is telework a benefitRead… Read more »