Posts Tagged: telework

Top 5 GovLoop Groups to Join

Groups on GovLoop have become a great resource for govies to communicate with peers and find information on anything from open jobs or free trainings to successful Gov 2.0 technology uses. Here’s a look at the top five groups I think GovLoopers should consider joining: Government 2.0 Club A gathering place for technologists and thinkersRead… Read more »

Modernize Now. The Future of the Federal Workforce.

Deloitte is a proud supporter of GovLoop. ————————————————————- I just watched this really great video from Deloitte about the evolution of the American workforce and how it applies to government. Great insight into what has happened over time and what needs to be done to ensure that our nation’s government is being as productive asRead… Read more »

Gen “Y Not?” – Building the Next Generation of Government

If you’re interested in this topic, please consider attending our Next Generation of Government Summit on July 28-29 in Washington, DC, where emerging leaders and thinkers will convene to chart the future course of government. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** In another post, I captured the proceedings of an International Symposium which is discussing “Generation Y and Public Management:Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: Telework Solutions

GovLoop is proud to have Microsoft as one of its 2011 Premiere Partners. This week, we’re highlighting their Telework Solutions. You can learn more below from our interview with Martin Isaksen, a Federal Technologist at Microsoft. 1. What is Microsoft’s take on Telework? Isaksen: These are exciting times for the nearly 2 million federal civilianRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications [Live Blog from Paris]

Good morning. I am live blogging from the Ministry of Finance in Paris, France, where I am participating in an event hosted by the Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management). This marks the 10th year of an annual event and this year’s theme is “Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications.”Read… Read more »

2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries Now Available

The 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons is now available: 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries in PDF. Best Practices for Government Libraries for 2011 and prior years are all available from the right sidebar here on the Government Info Pro. Best Practices is a collaborative document that isRead… Read more »

Blog Recap: Yesterday’s Hearing On Inspiring Students To Federal Service

Yesterday I had the chance to sit in on a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. It was titled “Inspiring Students to Federal Service.” I took some notes and thought I’d share them in the form of brief summaries of each of theRead… Read more »

Re; Taking Government Work Home

FPMI has great training classes on Telework that will help those who take secure / nonsecure work home or to other remote sites. Check out their website in the Fall – that’s when they will be offering classes – even a short webinar. Current legislation mandates telework training for teleworkers and telesupervisors – this isRead… Read more »