Posts Tagged: telework

Recruitment 411: To Telework or Not to Telework

The other day some co-workers and I were discussing how many members of our staff telework – or as the IRS calls it, “flexiplace.” While teleworking certainly has its benefits, it can also have drawbacks, including fewer opportunities for networking. It didn’t surprise me that nearly every member of our staff works some variation ofRead… Read more »

Saving the Earth, One “Work-From-Home Day” at a Time

I think it is safe to say that we’re all happy that a federal government shutdown was avoided this month. Yes, some workers were planning great volunteer opportunities that couldn’t take place, but most folks are happy to have received their normal paycheck. Still, the possible shutdown left me wondering – what would traffic haveRead… Read more »

Leveraging IT to Maximize HR Resources

Human Resource Specialists are not specialists in Information Technology. Yet, today HR has a difficult time recruiting, engaging with employees, providing benefits, conducting training or capturing performance feedback without the intervention of technology. In fact, without technology, I can emphatically say that these functions are impossible. Why? Because heightened expectations for anywhere, anytime access toRead… Read more »

Vendor Response to “Top Eight Priorities” in selecting a great tool for your telework program!

The Top Eight Priorities to Consider When Evaluating Video Conferencing Tools 1) Security – Security should be at the very core of the selection of any video conferencing system. You can easily begin your search by choosing from products that have met the strict standards set forth by NIST for FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Certification.Read… Read more »

HR Technology in the Federal Workplace Conference April 4 – 6, 2011

The HR Technology in the Federal Workplace Conference will take place April 4 – 6, 2011 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C. Debuting in 2011, this is the only event delivering guidance on the range of technology options available to boost the efficiency of your agency’s HR operations. From telework and cloud computing,Read… Read more »

Building on GovMadness 2011: – the Best of the Rest in Gov2.0 from Federal, State and Local

In keeping with the spirit that GovLoop has started this week with GovMadness 2011, I thought I’d post a forum to highlight some of the smaller agencies and cities that may have gotten the snub from GovLoop’s big dance. There are a lot of agencies and departments out there doing great work with social media,Read… Read more »

NOAA and FEMA – Get ready for spring floods

While we should be prepared for all sorts of problems NOAA and FEMA joined forces to started warning people about spring floods. If everyone does this they will be prepared or partialy prepared for other problems like rain storms, hurricanes, blackouts, etc. How? The basics are teh BASICS! Flashlight, alternate place to go, camping stove,Read… Read more »

Mobile Government and Cybersecurity: Access Denied

Last week, I had the opportunity to host GovLoop’s web-based training session entitled, “Common Mobile Challenges and How to Overcome,” which featured insight from State Department’s Gary Galloway and Microsoft’s Steve White. We’re hosting the second in the series this Thursday: Register for Part 2: “Go Mobile, Be Secure, Improve Performance” During last week’s training,Read… Read more »