Posts Tagged: telework

Pursuing the Tele-Commuter Mindset!

Are our Organizations Computerized or Virtualized? A number of months ago I approached the Minnesota American Institute of Architects to see if they would be interested in a discussion about how strategic telework would change the work environment and perhaps the cityscape itself. It was positioned as a presentation of the tools and strategies thatRead… Read more »

Why Teleworking is Good for Your Mental Health

Nick Carr, who criticizes the Internet while reaping the benefits of having such a great platform to push his neo-Luddite views, has published a book warning us all that online links are destroying our brains. It takes a brave person to ignore the evidence that the Internet is actually good for our brains but CarrRead… Read more »

Retro Flashback: Next Generation Government Will Be Mobile

One year ago, I published a post entitled “Next Generation Government: Mobile, Measurable and Malleable.“ As the Next Generation of Government Summit fast approaches, I thought I’d dust off this blog post and play it again to spark discussion in advance of the event. I’m going to run it as a series – breaking itRead… Read more »

Mr. President: Tear Down Those Walls!

Whenever I get a chance for some free time on trips to Washington, DC, I walk or run along the National Mall. Our nation’s capitol is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in and around the monuments and memorials. But then I walk a block off the Mall and seeRead… Read more »

Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade your PC

It was great to engage with the GovLoop community last week for our Knowledge Dialogue forum discussion about the importance of refreshing your PCs. There were some very interesting (and amusing!) thoughts and stories about issues that you all are having with your technology equipment and computers, and how badly you are in need ofRead… Read more »

The New Norm: Work is Not Where You Go, It’s What You Do

Originally published under the title “Workplace Flexibility as the New Normal” as part of “The FCW Challenge” by Anne Weissberg, William D Eggers, May 14, 2010 As William Gibson wrote in Neuromancer, “the future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” If you think that the federal government will never go to aRead… Read more »

What is the Biggest IT Change in the Last 30 Years?

Collaboration has come a long and I do mean a LONG way in the last 30 years. So with all the advances out there what is the single most important one? You can vote here: I mean there are several to chose from: E-mail, Internet, Cell Phone and Shared Drives, and if we haven’tRead… Read more »

Why Telework Can’t Work for the Federal Government

The notion of “telework” isn’t new; it’s commonly used in the private sector for positions that involve analytical thought, professional work products, counseling, training, and the like. So why is OPM pushing it without Congressional mandate? (See FedSmith’s article titled “Telework in the Federal Government”). Unlike the profit-motivators and cost-cutting measures that stimulate this typeRead… Read more »

Gridlock Drives Gridlock

It’s true that the D.C. area is home to one of the worst commutes in the nation. Think you can breeze through 66, 270, or the Beltway in rush hour? Good luck to you. They say it’s going to rain. Better luck next time. I’ll bet on something that has better odds, like the lottery.Read… Read more »

Earth Day Results – Does the Government Want More Green IT?

Last week we did a pretty cool poll with our partner HP on “Does the Government Want More IT?” Check out the results…Pretty fascinating. Does the Government Want More Green IT? View more documents from GovLoop. An interesting note – I’m one of those teleworkers who has gotten in a bad habit of not poweringRead… Read more »