Posts Tagged: telework

The President’s Push for Telework

The term – workplace flexibility – is all the buzz at the White House. If you watched the live stream of the Workplace Flexibility Forum last week, hosted by The White House (, you know what I mean. The President and First Lady opened and closed the session, discussing the importance of creating workplace practicesRead… Read more »

Is telework close to becoming a reality for federal employees?

Last November, HP partnered with the Virginia based Telework Exchange to put on the inaugural Great Commuter Stress Out event in D.C.’s Woodrow Wilson Plaza. The event provided fun activities such as a free massages and a car-shaped piñata for attendees to strike as a means of releasing commuter tension. Additionally, Congressman Gerry Connolly, D-Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Snow days cost government $71M

Happy Wednesday! Last month’s snow days that kept the federal government closed for almost a week cost taxpayers much less than initially feared. The government lost $71,074,495 worth of productivity for each snow day, according to updated estimates released Tuesday by the Office of Personnel Management. The figure dropped from an estimated $100 million becauseRead… Read more »

Mother Nature Wants More Telework

The biggest news out of the historic back-to-back snow storms this winter season is not the shortage of snow shovels or the Open Government initiatives deadlines, but rather how telework has become mainstream. As a long time Washington DC professional, I remember numerous snow storms over the last twenty years that have closed schools andRead… Read more »

Don’t Let H1N1 Put Your Agency into a Tail Spin

Posted originally to Unleash The Monster H1N1 is causing great concern across the board. Many have been seeking vaccinations against the virus, while others have already showed symptoms of having the virus. Whether employees choose to get the vaccination or not, this virus has quickly become a pandemic and will impact your organization. Agencies ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Berry: Teleworking Sales Pitch Needs Work

How’s this for good timing: On a day when Washington-area commuters experienced 20-mile backups in Northern Virginia and downtown road closures due to a suspicious package, hundreds of federal managers and employees met at the Ronald Reagan building to talk about teleworking. Speaking at the Telework Exchange Town Hall Meeting, Office of Personnel Management DirectorRead… Read more »

The future of the work/life balance – What we can learn from the”The Wild Thornsberrys”

I commented on a statement given by Jerry – It is located here HI Jerry, Great Post. As for the secretary. You could! There are tons of companies right now on the internet, and even personal people, who have your “virtual” 1-800 number forwarded to anyone you want. For instance, my sister, who livesRead… Read more »

Government Needs to hire 270,000 workers in three years

Chris Parente originally posted this story in the telework group. But, I am one who is pushing for more teleworkers, so I thought I would also post it here. As I read that story, I kept thinking of this part, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “The nation’s unsettled economy and high unemployment rate may ease the government’s task,Read… Read more »

Get a $2,000 Raise! Telework.

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog Results from Virginia’s Telework Day were released this week. Some of the statistics that stood out: – Teleworking one day per week equates to a $2,000 raise for each employee – 69% of participants indicated that they accomplished more while teleworking – If all interested employees engaged in telework,Read… Read more »