Posts Tagged: telework

Federal Eye: OPM Encourages Teleworking After Metro Crash

The Office of Personnel Management has strongly urged federal managers to allow employees to telework from home today to avoid delays on Metro following last night’s deadly crash. Federal government offices in Washington, D.C. will however open on time and operate under normal operating status today. “To the extent possible, managers are encouraged to allowRead… Read more »

Next Generation Government: Mobile, Measurable, Malleable

On Tuesday, June 16, I had the opportunity to serve on a panel for the 2009 Symantec Government Symposium in Washington, DC, under the title Next Generation Government. Special “shout out” to moderator Tom Temin of Federal News Radio and fellow panelists Chris Kemp (Chief Information Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration), John Schueler (NewRead… Read more »

Green IT Best Practices

This newsletter focuses on Green IT and the growing awareness that governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations need to better manage their use of technology in an environmentally responsible manner. As large purchasers of electronic products and services, they have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to provide leadership through environmentally sound practices and cost-effective, life-cycle managementRead… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2 from the Government Business Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Meeting planning, an active component of the proposal management experience, encompasses the virtual scheme. Remote workers (even if a proposal shop is available on-site at a client location) are showing up everywhere and they aren’t going to goRead… Read more »

Three Collaboration Tools Everyone Should Know

Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Flickr, IM: do these sound like foreign words? In the face of new social media and collaboration, getting in touch over the Internet has never been more complicated. With so many of these whiz-bang technologies out there, it can be especially frustrating to figure out which ones are worth learning about andRead… Read more »

Government Employees Teleworking?

Interesting article below, it asks if govt workers are ready to telework (article raises the question in light of swine flu developments…) Having just returned yesterday from Guadalajara, Mexico — where I teleworked for GovPartner and saw first hand the tremendous effect a potential epidemic like this would have on our daily activities — theRead… Read more »

Measuring Telework Productivity

Excellent (IMO) article from Federal Computer Week: Sweat pants and metrics * By Michael Lisagor * Feb 06, 2009 Measuring performance in a virtual workplace I’m wearing my grungy sweat pants and torn Oakland Raiders T-shirt as I write this column in my home office on Bainbridge Island, Wash., in the Puget Sound. MyRead… Read more »

The Lonely Teleworker and Why Twitter is Better Than Water

“It’s like a prison,” he explained. “I mean, it’s only for a couple months, but I don’t know if I am well-suited for teleworking. I need to be around people.” With an office renovation forcing him from the office, a colleague recently shared these initial impressions of his teleworking experience. I’ve been a remote employeeRead… Read more »