Posts Tagged: training

It was a dark and stormy night…

Last weekend, I took my 6-year-old daughter, Julia, to her first ever gymnastics tournament, despite a grueling proposal schedule. No matter what, I didn’t want to miss a chance to share her memorable first experience. But as with life, there were a few unexpected bumps in the road. The Tournament took place about 6 hoursRead… Read more »

Honoring our Veterans

This is a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to our Veterans for the sacrifices you have made. You have been away from your loved ones in foreign lands; you have endured hostile environments; you have mourned the loss of your friends; and you have risked your lives and possibly suffered wounds that may never completely heal… YouRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 2

In Part 1, I laid out the present reality of learning. Using a recent lesson learned in responding to my teething, seven-month old son, I made the claim that we’re increasingly gaining new information via search engines and social networks. I said that I planned to persuade your thinking on three points: • Informal learningRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 1

A couple weeks ago, my seven-month old son started having all the tell-tale signs of teething. So what did my wife and I do as first-time parents faced with a fussy infant? Well, we felt like we had a few options: Look it up in one of the 36 books we bought about babies. CallRead… Read more »

Halloween Horror Stories – Happy Halloween

Check out my Halloween video on Proposal Horror Stories: I am sure you can relate to these, and have lived more of your own proposal nightmares… If you have more chilling stories, please share them with me. Also, don’t forget to check out our training workshops coming up a little over a week: “TheRead… Read more »

The Deming Award – Recognizing Excellence in Training!

Each year the Graduate School presents the W. Edwards Deming Award to a federal government organization or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization’s performance. Considered the father of Total Quality Management (TQM), Dr. Deming created a bodyRead… Read more »

The Scoop on the New Rules for Woman-Owned Small Businesses

Small business administration has been very active these days. They have been issuing rulings left and right and coming down like a ton of bricks on long-established business practices. By the way, GTSI is back to working for the government but they cannot continue subbing to small businesses the way they were doing it. OneRead… Read more »

COTR TRAINING @ Affordable Rates

The Acquisition Institute Inc., ( is one of the very few training agencies that operates throughout the United States and overseas providing acquisition training at rates that are nearly 1/3 less than GSA Schedule holders and competitors. TAI’s specialty is basic contracting courses, of which, COTR courses make up the bulk of our business withRead… Read more »

Cost Proposal Strategy for Proposal Managers

Last week I delivered a presentation at the APMP Mid-Atlantic Conference and Expo on Cost Proposal Strategy for Proposal Managers. It went over well – we had standing room only. Price is one of the most important elements of winning proposals, and it is intimately connected with the technical solution. Yet, many proposal managers don’tRead… Read more »

Leaders: Be Strong & Develop Thyself

In a recent article by HCI Blogger Joy Kosta, she asked “what keeps leaders going?” She laid out 5 characteristics and abilities that came from the Mckinsey Global Survey to achieve “centered” leadership. She also made a good point about leaders investing in themselves in order to be successful at giving back to others andRead… Read more »