Posts Tagged: training

“A Federal Family Portrait” and “Reaching Generation C”

This past week, I delivered a couple presentations at the 2009 American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Conference and Exposition. Below are the slide decks. After you’ve had a chance to peruse them, I’d be interested in getting your feedback on a couple key question that arose in all of my sessions: 1.Read… Read more » An Experiment in SEO and Social Media

You’ve seen a lot of posts from me regarding the social media activities of other agencies. Never have I highlighted an endeavor from my own organization. Well, this post changes everything! Here’s the backdrop: Throughout its history, the Graduate School has always adapted in creative ways to the changing needs of government. A few weeksRead… Read more »

Cheap Training Tip #3: Leadership Goes to the Movies

Cheap Training Trick #3: Leadership Goes to the Movies I ran across an old black & white documentary clip from the 1950’s on YouTube the other day and, after I stopped laughing, it got me thinking about using movies in schools and in adult educational programs. When I was in school, we used to cheerRead… Read more »

GPO has a new site design!

On Monday, May 4, 2004 GPO launched the new site design that incorporates a more transparent look and feel, with added web 2.0 elements! Government officials and customers alike agree that this site is simply amazing! “This totally brings us forward with the technological advances we’ve made as an agency,” says one happy employee. TheRead… Read more »

Cheap Training Tip #2: A Picture is Worth a Bunch of Words

What’s your Leadership Brand? I used this activity mid-way through a leadership program to give participants an opportunity to evaluate their strengths and leadership qualities. The premise is simple: each of us has a unique “brand” or style of leadership. Of course what we may “think” our style of leadership is and what others seeRead… Read more »

New Leadership Development Seminars from the Partnership for Public Service

To deliver solutions that the times demand, our government needs a new generation of leaders who are more than managers – they must be innovators whose creativity in problem-solving stands up to the complexity of 21st century challenges. The Partnership’s Annenberg Leadership Institute Seminars help federal agencies build the in-house capacity to innovate and solveRead… Read more »

Who is Responsible for Leadership Development?

In many agencies there is disagreement over who is responsible for leadership development. In some organizations, responsibility for leadership development is delegated to HR. In others, leadership development is viewed as the domain of trainers. In yet other organizations, employees expect the agency’s senior leadership to take the lead. They are all right—to a point.Read… Read more »

Attending Transparency Camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? Watch this video first!

Attending an unconference like Transparency camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? They will be unlike other conferences. They’re called “unconferences” because the format is really different. You won’t be coming to sit while others lecture, occasionally asking questions. Rather, you’re expected to participate and share. Even if all you “know” is the questions you have toRead… Read more »

‘Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.’ Will Rogers Here we are collaborating like mid-day mad-dogs and, as Katrina and the Waves said, ‘Don’t it Feel Good’. Pardon the buzzwords but, I think collaboration can become one of our core competencies. As we learn lessons andRead… Read more »