Posts Tagged: transparency

Why RSS is Essential for Government Transparency

Enabling your audience to subscribe to information is a key part of any transparency plan. RSS is a modern subscription tool that’s often under-utilized in government. All agencies should have their content pages equipped with it help people stay aware and engaged in the issues that matter most to them. Hear a Granicus expert discussRead… Read more »

The Paradox of Pilots

As many organizations in business and government try to capture some of the magic created by network communication, they often and understandably formulate strategies beginning with “pilots.” “Pilots” are a paradox. When it comes to creating networks for customers, partners, and employees or citizens, designation of “pilot” status—by definition an experiment—can doom a project toRead… Read more »

Keys to Success with Government Video

From the Granicus Blog Last week’s webinar, Top 5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic with Video, attracted over 60 government agencies across the U.S. and Canada. While video becomes a powerful tool for transparency and accountability, government staff members across all different departments are still trying to find ways to use it effectively—to not onlyRead… Read more »

Rip Van Winkel Awakens: Does He Look Like Nicholas Cage?

After a 15-year slumber, the Administrative Conference of the U.S. has returned. It held its first meeting last week since it was reconstituted earlier this year. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia swore in the 100 new members of the Conference, noting “your job is to improve the administrative process throughout the government.” We were hereRead… Read more »

Toward an Open Data Maturity Model

Last week was an exciting week in the world of open data. In the US, we held our first International Open Government Data Conference, and in London, there was Open Government Data Camp. Meanwhile, there was some discussion around data journalism at Public Media Camp, and “big data” was a topic of discussion at theRead… Read more »

The Conversation on Radical Information Transparency and the Government continues

” . . . the national security apparatus is groaning under the weight of record amounts of classified information, not to mention the attendant material costs of protecting its secrets for longer and longer periods of time. To be sure, this is partly due to the fact that it’s collecting more intelligence than ever before,Read… Read more »

New Open Platform API for Government Transparency & Innovation

As web-based technology platforms become more and more prevalent in the government, it’s important that agencies choose the one that’s going to give them the utmost flexibility. That’s why selecting one that has an open architecture and API is so important. This it allows agencies integrate systems and work between multiple workflows without redundancy. Also,Read… Read more »