Posts Tagged: transparency

Public Meetings 2.0

(This was originally posted on GovFresh back in June. Luke was kind enough to let me re-post it.) ——— You’re busy – and so is your local government. You have work, errands, family activities, chores … the list goes on. Your local government, on the other hand is constantly working on issues that affect youRead… Read more »

Transparency: Citizens Give Congress a Failing Grade

The public isn’t convinced that the government is open with Americans, at least according to our latest research. The ForeSee Results/Nextgov Government Transparency Study measured citizen perceptions of government transparency with the White House and Congress, among other government entities. Americans give Congress terrible scores in terms of transparency and trust. The White House scoresRead… Read more »

Raising the Dial Tone, Part 2.

(Part 1 is archived at Recently, Dennis McDonald offered that transparency and collaboration should be considered as efficiency measures in the Secretary of Defense’s initiatives. A sharp comment to this post responded by detailing the dire state of the federal procurement system, offering that the system is “completely broken, not superficially but structurally andRead… Read more »

Finally, A Name!

The Obama management agenda finally has a name: the Accountable Government Initiative. In a memo from President Obama to the 7,000 members of the senior executive service, he highlights six initiatives and their progress to date. He also says: “I have tasked our Chief Performance Officer, Jeff Zients, with leading the Accountable Government Initiative,. .Read… Read more »

D.C. Open Government Roundtable – Speakers Include Govloop, GSA, Granicus, Sunlight Foundation

Tomorrow, Granicus is hosting an Open Government Roundtable in Washington D.C. It’s a full day event bringing together all levels of government and industry thought leaders on transparency and open meetings to discuss changes in policy and technology and to learn best practices. This exciting event will shed light on the latest ways to useRead… Read more »

Recognition and Social Fear — The Competing Forces of Citizen Participation

What makes for a good day? When you get home at night do you feel like you have had a good day when it is filled with non-stop listening to others and you have had little to say? Or do you have a good day when you can say – “You know what, I hadRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up August 20, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Eye on FDA: A Look at FDA’s Transparency Bloomberg: SEC’s New Jersey Fraud Case Seen as Harbinger in Muni Crackdown This week I seemed to find news about transparency (the good cop to accountability’s bad cop) in unlikely places. Or at least places I don’t normally look. The first is Mark Senak’s blog,Read… Read more »

State of Victoria (Australia) launches Gov 2.0 Action Plan

A new Government 2.0 Plan has been released for the Victorian Public Sector (VPS). Endorsed by Departmental Secretaries and the Chief Commissioner of Police, the Plan provides a whole of VPS approach to using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs and social media to engage with citizens, develop policy and deliver services. The PlanRead… Read more »

Re-Thinking Performance Metrics in Federal Agencies

In a Federal News Radio conversation with reporter Francis Rose and two other guests – Robert Shea, a former OMB executive, and Jon Desenberg, with the Performance Institute – we talked about the Obama Administration’s performance initiatives to date, and the potential implications for agency efforts to measure performance. Shea said “people miss some ofRead… Read more »

Sunshine 2.0 – What is your government doing? Survey, slides

I’ve cleared the decks this week. Today, I am digging deep into the draft Sunshine 2.0 guide for the national League of Women Voters. I’ve been drawing on my early e-government days in Minnesota state government and my many speaking trips where I’ve collected some of the best examples of democracy online supported by governmentRead… Read more »