Slide Into Our DMs: TSA Welcomes Social Media Traffic
AskTSA has had more 1 million social media engagements. It lives on Twitter, @TSA, and Facebook Messenger, and the account is monitored by TSA agents.
AskTSA has had more 1 million social media engagements. It lives on Twitter, @TSA, and Facebook Messenger, and the account is monitored by TSA agents.
Under its Cloud Strategy 2.0, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will focus on creating an environment in which employees can innovate IT capabilities to better support mission objectives.
Furloughed employees, union leaders and elected officials gathered blocks from the White House on Jan. 10 to express the need to end the shutdown.
GovLoop spoke with representatives from TSA and OPM to learn how federal agencies have prioritized and improved customer experience.
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This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. In a recent event, the IBM Center for The Business of Government and the Partnership for Public Service added to a significant body of knowledge about how government leaders can leverage the power of analytics and data toRead… Read more »
The Washington Homeland Security Roundtable will honor federal officials from Department of Homeland Security component departments for work with industry partners at an upcoming Holiday Reception event. The Industry Engagement Awards aims to acknowledge agencies who maintain relationships with the industry segment, WHSR said Nov. 18. “Partnerships enable real collaboration between industry and government toRead… Read more »
On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Diversity among employees and a myriad of communication channels can make workplace misunderstandings all the more frequent. So how do you avoid and overcome these misunderstandings? Insights from Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: The LAX TSA Shooting Federal prosecutors have filed charges against Paul A.Read… Read more »
We’re constantly talking about analytics and how it affects corporations and agencies, but how will it affect you? We’re used to strict, and sometimes invasive, security precautions at the airport by Transportation Security Administration in order to keep our skies and travelers safe. Using new analytics software, TSA officials will be able to identify individualsRead… Read more »
We’ve probably all seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The movie showcases imagination, creativity and the freedom to try new things and experiment. That’s the same idea as the TSA’s IdeaFactory. The 5-year-old program was one of the first true government 2.0 technologies. Megan Kenny is the Acting Program Manager for the Office of TrainingRead… Read more »