Posts Tagged: Twitter

What’s the Best Way to Follow SxSW From Your Desk?

SxSW Interactive, one of the best technology conferences you can attend, kicks off today in sunny Austin, Texas. Unfortunately, even though I’m only one mile away, won’t be attending this year. But that doesn’t mean I can’t keep up with what’s going on in my favorite sessions. At 2:00PM CST, Tim O’Reilly, the founder ofRead… Read more »

Twitter function for GovLoop ?

Twitter’s 140 charecters (140 CHR$) limit is more restrictive than GovLoop. It does offer one advantage – follow. Its easy to see what a person is posting. This is far more refined than the broad “Lates Activity” – which is good! Should this be added ? Does it have a place here?

Recruitment 411: Twitter Hashtags – the Good, the Bad & the Useless

Anyone on Twitter knows the game: you update your status with no more than 140 characters, including spaces and hashtags. According to Twitter data, there are around 750 tweets posted every second – that’s almost 65 million tweets per day. Getting your tweet in front of the right audience can be a bit of aRead… Read more »

Making Sense of Twitter – the Uber Hashtag

Originally posted at 2011 February 17 tags: #crisisdata, #hashtag, #hsem, #informationsharing, #twitter, SMEM by Sara Estes Cohen I was recently inspired after reading a tweet posted by Hal Grieb, who shared a link to an article on how to communicate a snow event. To ensure the tweet was seen by all potentially interested parties,Read… Read more »

Yo Government! Why You Should Recruit in 49 Words or Less!

A recent study by the Pew Center shows some interesting facts about Twitter usage. Facts that are so interesting, they might be worth paying attention to. There has been a push recently for Open Gov and public facing interaction from the public sector. Many agencies have started to use Twitter…but are they using it inRead… Read more »

State Department adding new in-language Twitter feeds

Originally posted at I attended Secretary Clinton’s speech about Internet freedom yesterday at George Washington University (see the State Department report and Alex Howard’s write-up at for good overview and links) and as her remarks came to a close, she mentioned that in addition to tweeting in Arabic and Farsi, the State DepartmentRead… Read more »

#SMEMChat Fridays at 12:30 p.m. (ET)

Many of us in the #gov20 space are trying to sort through the conundrum of #crisisdata, the result of seemingly endless Facebook posts, tweets, videos, photos and more. There’s great work going on at Crisis Commons and they’ve literally helped people and save lives. For those of us in emergency operations centers and joint informationRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Smarter Event Networking Using Twitter

For those of us interested in expanding our networks (as we all should be), attending in-person events is key. Here are 5 ways Twitter can enhance your professional event-goings, and give you more bang for your networking buck. Consider 2 scenarios: Scenario 1: You’re new to a geographic location, industry, or company. You walk intoRead… Read more »

How Socially Defined is my Identity?

For the last several months, people have caught me spouting off on Twitter (and elsewhere, like DevLearn’s General Session) that identity — my identity, in particular — is socially defined. Now it’s time for the rubber to meet the road. I’ve created a Wiki page (using Wikispaces, because they make use of OpenID) to beRead… Read more »