Posts Tagged: Twitter

Congressman Hoyer’s Twitter account hacked or impersonated during State of the Union?

Take a look at the screenshot below; either Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer was blowing off some serious steam with a string of profanity-laden tweets during last night’s State of the Union address, or the Democratic Whip has had one of his Twitter IDs, @LeaderHoyer, hacked or otherwise compromised. Twitter’s government liaison Adam Sharp has beenRead… Read more »

e-GOTV. Is it Real? Digital Strategies for e-Political Campaigning

Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »

ADL’s Future Learning Experience Project

Today marks the first day of Advanced Distributed Learning’s (ADL’s) Future Learning Experience Project, a major new effort from ADL that returns our organization to its roots in Applied Research & Development in the learning technology space.For those unfamiliar with what ADL is, it is an initiative out of the Office of the Secretary ofRead… Read more »

Cory Booker is a Hero, But Could He Have Done More?

Cory Booker (@corybooker), the mayor of Newark, NJ made headlines recently with his heroic efforts to rescue residents from Snowpocalypse one tweet at a time. Whether its delivery diapers, shoveling entryways, or sending snowplows, he stepped out of bureaucracy to come across as a real, caring human being anxious to aid during a time ofRead… Read more »

The Department of Defense gained a social media beachhead in 2010

There is no question that 2010 will go down as the year that social media became a normal part of the communications arsenal for the Department of Defense. The year began with a withering battle raging over embracing the medium at all and finished with its near wholesale adoption across the department. While still aRead… Read more »

New Twitter interface not working for agencies using Internet Explorer 7 or 8?

It appears that in addition to breaking background images (as I wrote about earlier) the “new Twitter” interface may not be working at all for some agencies which rely on Internet Explorer versions 7 or 8. The State Department’s Noel Dickover tweeted about the issue a couple of days ago, and a quick Google searchRead… Read more »

Social Scoring Is Here…Like It Or Not

There has been quite a bit of noise around services measuring a users influence and overall impact within the social media space. Services such as Klout and SocialSprout, both of which I use, keep track of a users reach & influence within a network. While these ranking are extremely interesting (and I promise, you WILLRead… Read more »