Posts Tagged: Twitter

Tools for Transparency: GovSM

This is a cross post from my original guest blog post at the Sunlight Foundation. By now, we’ve all heard about the social media wave and most of us have heard about Gov2.0 and governmental use (or their feeble attempts to use) social media. Though there have been many discussions amongst “good gov” people aboutRead… Read more »

CB2: Don’t Let Firesheep Be Your WikiLeak

Think twice before joining an unsecured wireless network. It just became ridiculously easy to hijack confidential information from your agency and co-workers. If I was on the same open WiFi network as you – sitting outside your home, at your office (if you still didn’t put a password on your router), a Starbucks, an airport,Read… Read more »

How social media is like a royal marrying a commoner

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: “How social media is like a royal marrying a commoner” So, Prince William of Wales is marrying Kate Middleton, a commoner. My how his life has changed from that of his forebears. No, William didn’t look out over the fair (and royal) maidens the world over and select aRead… Read more »

7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media Wait! Don’t hire that college intern for your social media needs… not just yet, at least. First: Stop, and reflect on the following questions: What do I know about their use of social media? Sure, theyRead… Read more »

4 ways to turn what you’re already doing into blog posts

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: Sometimes when I talk to people about social media, I get the distinct impression that they don’t know what to talk about on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or on blogs. And, yet, when I ask them about their position, business, or industry, they often come across with such passion andRead… Read more »

Help ID new GovTwits after 2010 elections

Americans take to the polls November 2nd, and regardless of the political party results, one thing’s for certain: there will be newly elected officials who won’t be listed in GovTwit. That’s where you can help. If you know or learn of a new governor, senator, representative or any elected official who is on Twitter, pleaseRead… Read more »

ChatterBachs announces #SMfastfwd tweetchats

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: ChatterBachs will host tweetchats on Twitter using the hashtag #SMfastfwd on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time, beginning Wednesday, November 3rd. #SMfastfwd discussions will revolve around the latest trends and technologies in social media as well as the people and organizations in this space. Please submit your ideas forRead… Read more »

What is SocialMention and what is its value?

New on the ChatterBachs blog: “What is SocialMention and what is its value?” Day 3: The ChatterBachs Product Review Week continues. Another tool that I discovered recently and have started using is SocialMention. (@SocialMention) developed by Jon Cianciullo (@jonnyjon). From the Social Mention “About” page: “Social Mention is a social media search and analysisRead… Read more »