Posts Tagged: Twitter

‘The Twitter SF Officials Daily’

If you’re using Twitter, you’ve probably already been exposed to, the site that allows anyone to create daily Twitter newspaper based on lists of Twitter members. It’s a very nice tool, and one we’re now using in the City Attorney’s Office to create a daily update from links and photos shared by more thanRead… Read more »

Social Media: Time Savers or Suckers?

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************** This past week, I presented at a professional development event for the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The title and description was: Time Savers or Time Suckers? Are Twitter, Facebook, UStream and Ning worth your time? StatisticsRead… Read more »

Social Media Is For Complainers (But Should Not Be)

In the political world there is a fascinating trend. Those who complain tend to use social media the most effectively. By those who complain I mean those who are NOT in power: 1. Barack Obama (the candidate, NOT the president). He used social media to engage and empower the masses unlike any modern presidential candidateRead… Read more »

Check Out How SF Gov Stacks Up on Twitter

More than three dozen San Francisco officials, agencies and programs are active on Twitter, using the microblogging tool to broadcast messages, interact with citizens and even accept service requests. The SF City Attorney’s Office is highly active on Twitter, and in this spreadsheet we’ve put together, you can check out various City and County ofRead… Read more »

How To Analyze Use of Twitter and Other Social Media

© Creative Commons adriel [at] September 5, 2010 One Saturday, I noticed that my pal Nick Charney was getting a lot of buzz on Twitter while speaking at a big conference. In addition to his fearless innovation, Charney is well-known for his hairstyle, long bangs with a flip. I decided to have a littleRead… Read more »

Excited about Gov 2.0 conference

I could never figure out why some people dread going to conferences. It is always so fast paced, with a ton of people you want to meet, and happy hour every night. I just took over the government liaison/business development role at Marion Montgomery, Inc., so I am looking forward to attending the conference. MMIRead… Read more »

Digital IQ’s…Whose is the Highest in the Senate?

Here’s the article from Politico which crowns the 73 year old senator: John McCain, Twitter genius By MEREDITH SHINER | John McCain may be in the political battle of his life to save his Senate seat in Arizona — but he’s a Twitter genius, according to a new report released Thursday. In a joint studyRead… Read more »

Why Political Campaigns Need a New Media Director – Social Media Use Beats $ in Newark, NJ Election

A Campaign Reaches All Its Constituents – Smart Use of Social Media Works in Campaigns Stephanie Noble acted as the Director of Social Media Outreach to the understaffed and underfunded Darrin Sharif for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Council political campaign. The goal was to effectively reach a diverse constituency via social media to battleRead… Read more »

The Speed of Change

Notes From NAGWI “grew up” in IT when applications were flow-charted, lines of code written, compiled, debugged, compiled again, then deployed and hopefully documented. And the process took forever. Ask mainframe users. Early last year, when we launched social media in Morris County, I spent forever (in today’s terms… about a week) figuring out throughRead… Read more »