Posts Tagged: Twitter

Thanks for Participating — Here’s Twitter Made Easy for Contracts

In the last month I asked question in four discussions in the last month: Twitter – for each contract or all contracts? Tweets for the Public Record — how do you do it? List Your Acquisition Twitter Profile — strength in numbers Twitter Tools for Contracts – What are your favorites? Thank you to thoseRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – June 16, 2010

NOAA launches an interactive mapping tool for the Gulf oil spill Heartbreaking Flickr set – Greenpeace’s Gulf Oil Spill is seeking trained volunteers to help with the Gulf disasterThursday is Dumpthe Pump DaySan Francisco’s Stamen Design wins a $400,000 Knight News Challenge grant for its CityTracking visualizationsStamen wants your help voting up a requestRead… Read more »

Twitter’s Reliability An Issue For Government

SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter’s has had major reliability issues this week. The site was over capacity and displaying the “Fail Whale” image numerous times. The capacity issue resulted in site breakdowns, slowdowns, loss of tweets, and more. In fairness, Twitter has been transparent (in true social media culture fashion) about the scaling issues coming from exponentialRead… Read more »

Why Twitter’s Gov’t Outreach is a Big Win for the Gov 2.0 Movement

For at least that past two years, a tiny yet fast-growing group of folks who call themselves “Gov 2.0 advocates” has worked tirelessly to spread a message that emerging technologies, low-cost communications and digital culture can reshape government to be more collaborative, transparent, efficient and connected to its citizens. We have advocated for humanizing government,Read… Read more »

An Insider or an Innovator for Twitter in DC?

There’s been a lot of reading between the lines of Twitter’s job posting for a DC-based government liaison (and even one instance of actual follow-up reporting). One post really caught my attention – because I disagree with it so vehemently. My friend Alan W. Silberberg, a Gov 2.0 innovator and founding organizer of Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

EXCLUSIVE – First interview with Twitter, Inc. on their job search for D.C.-based government liaison

“If you are successful, the world will be a better place…” That quote, from the job posting Twitter made earlier this week seeking their first “government liaison,” is a window in to the aspirations Twitter has for their first D.C.-based employee. While the announcement has generated news headlines globally and set off a flurry ofRead… Read more »

#TwitGov! Fresh Links (and a play-by-play)

A very interesting day of buzz over the new Twitter governmental liaison position, with everything from petitions to a sort of Microsoft-O’Reilly Media-Twitter Gov 2.0 debate on Mark Drapeau’s blog. @Twitter opened on Monday the with a job post: … Track the #twitgov search … … Cue Wednesday: Mark Drapeau (one of Microsoft’sRead… Read more »

Can Twitter Reimagine Democracy?

Twitter’s plan to hire a government liaison (its first DC employee) has set off a a tweetstorm from the U.S. Capitol to London to Tokyo, and likely a flood of resumes into the Web 2.0 firm’s SoMa offices. Some of the Gov 2.0 community’s brightest have already offered great suggestions for how this new TwitterRead… Read more »