Posts Tagged: Twitter

Interesting Article from HBR – On Twitter, Followers Don’t Equal Influence

On Twitter, Followers Don’t Equal Influence 9:30 AM Friday May 7, 2010 by Scott Berinato | Comments (5) It could be that Twitter research is popular because Twitter data is free and so accessible. That’s okay. Gift horses are just as good for riding. The best, latest entry in Twitter research is the handiwork ofRead… Read more »

The questions companies have when adding social to customer service

At the closing session of the Parafest conference that I attended, and at which I spoke about Social Media and Collaborative solutions, the product management of Parature shared this slide. The slide represents the results of polling customer, throughout the conference, about their concerns, their questions, about adding social channels to their customer service efforts.Read… Read more »

Social Media Use in Local Government

Hi everyone, My name is Alan Huynh and I’m currently researching the factors that best determine the success rate of a local government utilizing social media. The survey can be taken at and would love for everyone to take it. I look forward to sharing my data once I get done with my researchRead… Read more »

Icelandic Volcano strands people, Twitter allows them to fix it

For the last two days a volcano in Iceland has been spewing ash and rock high into the atmosphere with little indication that it is going to stop any time soon. The danger that the ash presents to aircraft (the particles are so fine and sharp they can destroy a jet engine) combined with theRead… Read more »

Social Media in Gov is Like Riding a Bike, Seriously

When my son turned three, we got him a bike with training wheels. He did quite well, but when it came time to take off those training wheels, he violently refused. Even a three year old knew that going from four wheels down to two would increase his chances of falling from zero to incrediblyRead… Read more »

The “Getting Started with Government 2.0” Guide

A slightly more graphically intensive version of this post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In the last few months, I’ve received an increasing number of “hey Steve, how would you recommend someone get started in social media or Government 2.0?” emails, and I’ve gotten tired of sending out the same emailsRead… Read more »

Women of the World. Literally!

STS-131 Space Shuttle Discovery lit up the dawn sky this morning as she broke free from gravity’s grip to reach low Earth orbit on her way to the International Space Station. Lift off! STS-131 Space Shuttle Discovery. Photo: NASA TV Onboard Discovery, three female astronauts: NASA’s Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger and Stephanie Wilson andNaoko Yamazaki of JapanRead… Read more »

Space is the Place – NASA on Gov 2.0 Radio

If you’re looking for a glimpse into how earthpeople and their governments are evolving, what better way then to check into NASA’s two April appearances on Gov 2.0 Radio. This month, we’ll go coast to coast with conversation with Beth Beck about NASA’s social media initiatives, and Gretchen Curtis on the space agency’s pioneering cloudRead… Read more »

Social Media – What’s the Purpose?

Just read an interesting article on a Washington survey from the National Journal. Interesting to see that Social media seems to be a bigger deal to Government than private sector. The results: Over 1/2 of Capitol Hill staffers, federal executives and employees of corporations, lobbying firms, nonprofits and other private sector organizations view Twitter asRead… Read more »