Posts Tagged: Twitter

How-To: Run A Gov’t Agency Twitter Feed – TSA Example

TSA Blogger Bob on @tsablogteam’s Twitter Presence Why Engage? -Engage the Public -Debunk Myths and False Allegations -Explain the Why of Policies and Procedures -Humanize Workforce -Defend the Agency -Announce New Initiatives Twitter – Like throwing a stone in a pond Twitter Tips -Refrain from tooting thine own horn -Be responsive -Establish a relationship withRead… Read more »

Twitter’s First Government Case Study

The USGS has become Twitter’s first-ever Government case study on their Twitter 101 for Business page. The account highlighted is the @USGSted account (Twitter Earthquake Detector). The snippet from the site: One of the U.S. Geological Survey’s unique responsibilities is the monitoring and reporting of earthquakes, which affect the daily lives of people around theRead… Read more »

Netflix Movie Recommendations: Secret to the Value of Social Networking?

Netflix is a subscription based DVD rental service that lets its customers browse thousands of movies online and then delivers them though the mail system. With so many movie choices available and to be competitive with brick and mortar rental establishments, Netflix has improved its customer satisfaction though numerous user interface improvements, movie distribution centers,Read… Read more »

How Young is Too Young for Social Media?

As many of you know, the birth of my first child (a boy!) is imminent. We just crossed the 39-week mark yesterday and we are just buzzing with excitement in the Krzmarzick household. So I set up a Twitter handle for him already: @WizKidKriz And, of course, I am planning to create a GovLoop profileRead… Read more »

Australian Taxation Office on Twitter

News from OZ I have often drawn attention to the fact that Australian Public Service agencies seem reticent about social media and Gov 2.0 Lead agencies are crucial to setting an example to other Agencies and it is excellent to observe that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is doing just that. The ATO has recentlyRead… Read more »

Further adventures in social media. (Aaaargh!)

I spent the morning live-tweeting an appearance before a state Senate committee by Kansas Secretary of Transportation Deb Miller. KDOT has proposed a new 10-year transportation plan for Kansas; Secretary Miller appeared before the Senate Transportation Committee to explain some of the highlights of the proposal. Her testimony continues tomorrow morning. I’ll be tweeting itRead… Read more »

How-To: Conference Tweets – So, you’ve just finished a conference, and don’t want to lose all those Tweets….

This weekend I attended the rather fantastic Open City Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If you don’t know much about what’s happening in Edmonton, you should probably check out Adriel Hampton’s recent post on the critical mass for awesomeness that’s happening there. There’s a innovative team at work in Edmonton which is a great modelRead… Read more »

Twitterati – Who are your most influential followers and why?

Building on the recent list of Top 10 (more like Top 100) Gov’t Twitters to follow: Who is your most influential follower and why? Who retweets your tweets most often? Which follower has the most followers? ETC. How do we measure success on Twitter in general? Broad outreach, targeted marketing, impact, etc.? Here’s myRead… Read more »