Posts Tagged: Twitter

The Power of Social Media: H1N1 and Local Government

In case anyone needs more reasons why investing time in social media should be strongly considered, especially at the local government level, I offer this case study (from my own view, of course). In the last three weeks, the H1N1 vaccine has been slowly rolling out to local jurisdictions. In Fairfax County, we’ve now hostedRead… Read more »

Don’t let your account tweet without you!

There are so many nifty Twitter tools out there, but my enthusiasm was always dampened for the ones that asked for my Twitter username and password. Why on Earth would I trust them? If they were really that good, I would use them and then immediately change my password. Then Twitter introduced OAuth, named forRead… Read more »

Inclusion – a brand value to be proud of

The rapid growth, availability and promotion of Web 2.0 services is making organisations in both the public and private sectors rethink their internal and external communication strategies, both on and offline. Any discussions with peers and colleagues will quickly reveal that broadcast only communications are no longer acceptable. When organisations first became bold enough toRead… Read more »

Self-Esteem and Facebook/Twitter

X-posted to WordPress – not really government related, but Social Media related: We all remember the pseudo-psychology of the 80s when Self-Esteem issues were identified and the concept beat to death as a crutch for young up and coming emergent adults when we suffered failures in life. As we approach the end of this decade,Read… Read more »

Is Chirp a safe “Twitter” for the Dept. of Defense/Intelligence Community?

Twitter has had a big impact in the way we communicate, but security concerns have put a damper on its use within the DoD/IC, until now… Welcome Chirp! Chirp is an Open Source Twitter clone available on Intelink. It is on NIPR, SIPR, and JWICS, has an official Authority to Operate (ATO) and on productionRead… Read more »

Capitol Circle is now live!

Capitol Circle is now live. It’s a “Bloomberg for politics” concept that aggregates twitter, RSS, and the web to deliver real-time political news as it breaks across the Internet. It’s searchable and filterable as well. Please let me know what you think of the site, I’m looking for feedback to iterate the product and takeRead… Read more »

The Relationship Revolution

Originally Posted to Unleash the Monster, a Monster Government Solutions blog On Unleash the Monster, we have had ongoing discussions about the growing opportunity in the government workforce for seekers and employers. Where the Jobs Are identifies a number of openings within agencies in 2010 and our Keep America Working tour is going from cityRead… Read more »