Posts Tagged: Twitter

UPDATE: Live Tweet Chat on Coast Impacts of Hurricanes and Extreme Storms

UPDATE (Sept 23, 2009): We did an interview with Federal News Radio (Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris — thanks you two!) on our experience with the first @USGS Twitter Chat. Overall, our experience with the Twitter chat went well. We had a lot of retweeting of the planned chat well before it occurred which ledRead… Read more »

Introducing ‘lifestream’: UK MP’s website breaks new ground

LibDem MP Lynne Featherstone is the party’s lead on web stuff and so she should be – she’s had a blog since 2003 and has fed it practically everyday since. Lynne even credits her election victory to her strong online presence and use of it as an organising tool. When she came to updating herRead… Read more »

A Twitterfall in Congress?

I’m reading an advance copy of a great new book called “If We Can Put a Man on the Moon” by William D. Eggers and John O’Leary. The release date is set for November 19. Based on the first 100 pages, I’d compare it to the classic business books “Good to Great” or “Built toRead… Read more »

140 Characters of Crap: The Sophisticated Rise of Social Engineering on Twitter

Anybody that uses Twitter on a regular basis know that there are a lot of junk posts and meaningless content. There have even been studies done recently that categorized the type of posts and found that the majority wasn’t very “news worthy” to say the least. Yet there were some meaningful tweets, I have foundRead… Read more »

How to write a good tweet

Image via Wikipedia My guru Jakob Nielsen has published on research Nielsen Norman Group has just completed on Tweet usability. To my knowledge, no one else has done this sort of research although many of the recommendations have been picked up elsewhere and some are plain common sense (not that that often stops people ignoringRead… Read more »

Amver Is Speaking At The Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase

Benjamin Strong, Director of Amver Maritime Relations, will be speaking at the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase in Washington, DC on September 8, 2009. The topic, Government as a protector, includes examples of how Amver shares vessel data with international rescue coordination centers to help in search and rescue cases. If you have an interest inRead… Read more »

RSS vs Twitter in UK local government: a serious imbalance?

Image via Wikipedia eGovernment Register reports today on ‘social media’ use in local councils (LAs), noting that work by Liz Azyan published on her blog at shows it at: Number % of LAs Facebook 48 11% Twitter 128 30% YouTube 63 15% RSS 122 28% Web dev blogs/feeds 6 1% Now I would argueRead… Read more »

“8 to 8” Hiring Event with the Federal Bureau of Prisons! Yes, HIRING for federal positions

The Federal Bureau of Prisons Mid-Atlantic Region needs to fill correctional positions NOW. We have 15 correctional facilities in a seven state area and we need Correctional Officers and medical professionals today. We are going to run two “8 to 8″ Hiring Events – one in Petersburg, VA (30 minutes south of Richmond) and oneRead… Read more »