Posts Tagged: Twitter

Why does the press seem to love a Social Media bad news story?

The release on August 5th on a Marine Corps memo “banning” Social Media was misinterpreted by AP and started a firestorm of coverage in the press. At present, a Yahoo news search reveals over 1300 articles mentioning “Marines Ban Social Media”. However, when the Marines issued a clarification the next day stating specifically that theRead… Read more »

Koobface returns! Quick, ban all social media!

This post was originally posted on my blog, Talking Salmons. Link to Mashable story. So, looks like Koobface is back. They’ve added some twists to the virus that made headlines last month. Viruses are the most frequent reason policy makers cite when moving to ban social media in the military workplace. However, I wanted toRead… Read more » – Adventures/mis-adventures with my gov-issued Mac

Yesterday, I posted a forum topic asking about experiences with government-issued Macs. The responses were great, and very helpful. The post was prompted by a development at work – I happily volunteered to participate in a 2-week trial period with a MacBook Pro…My desktop PC will be taken from me and replaced with the Apple.Read… Read more »

Why Social Media Matters to the Next Generation of Government Leaders

Originally published as part of the FEDManager’s “Ask Young Government Leaders” series. @govloop: “The arbiters of cool are about to hit the stage.” #ogi In less than 140 characters, @GovLoop – also known as Steve Ressler, co-founder of Young Government Leaders (YGL) and creator of the “Facebook for Government” – used Twitter to announce theRead… Read more »

UK’s Twitter Guide for Government

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog. Per this post from Neil Williams, head of corporate digital channels at the UK central government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), below is a “Template Twitter Strategy for Government Departments.” It’s a helpful document as it includes a very brief overview of Twitter, offers some objectives andRead… Read more »

Want to Appreciate Twitter? Live Tweet a Social Media Conference

By now, it’s a cliché that Twitter has real-world value. Yet if you really want to appreciate both the usefulness and hipness of microblogging, try participating in a social media conference where live Tweeting is not only encouraged, the Tweets also are displayed on JumboTrons flanking the on-stage speaker. Such was the case earlier thisRead… Read more »

Twitter and Open Government Conference: Stats and Observations

I was very encouraged to see the organizers of the recent OGI conference ( embrace the use of Twitter from the on-set of the event planning. They established the #ogi tag early, made good use of the platform for early buzz, and enlisted the use of strong talent like @mixtmedia and @lostonroute66 for support. So,Read… Read more »