Posts Tagged: Twitter

A Guest Post by Matt Gierhart(@mattgierhart) from The New Celebrity, Levelland Social Media Workshop Presenter

Over the past month, I’ve had the chance to speak with a lot of different people from various businesses and organization in the Levelland/Lubbock area. Typically, after a brief description and history of my company the first question is about the value of twitter. It’s easy to criticize or write off the social networking siteRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.19.2009

Hello! Good evening, Today’s tweets are very short. The weather here has been unseasonably cool (85) and we are just giddy. So, I am assuming, because I want to, that all of you are being blessed with the same wonderful weather! And I’m guessing everyone was outside playing today instead of posting. As I wentRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.18.2009

Good Afternoon! Today we had a lot of cross-posting and RT’s, so once all the duplication was removed we have a very short Tweet summary. It’s a beautiful day. Use the extra time to get outside and enjoy it. And that’s the way it was, July 18, 2009, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie With greatestRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.12.2009

Happy anniversary to GovLoop! Flowers for Steve (obviously, not my roses …that are full of holes from nasty Japanese beetles …) We need a Rose Garden Czar. And by the way, since we are all about transparency and such, where is the pay-scale for those 30-odd folks published? Image by Jack Duval via Flickr PartiesRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.09.2009

I’m back— I have been on vacation! hehe I understand while I was away, some of you federal folks had some problems with computer viruses, or such. Last week, a Trojan horse invaded my computer. When I ran my very sophisticated internet security software, it indicated that the problem *might* have originated from a fileRead… Read more »

@PubSecBloggers – follow UK Public Sector Bloggers on Twitter

Using Twitterfeed I’ve set up a new Twitter account which will be updating with new posts from UK Public Sector Bloggers. These are the bloggers which are on the page which Dave Briggs set up last year. He says: The bloggers I have used so far aren’t just civil servants, or local government officers, butRead… Read more »

How cell phones, Twitter and Facebook make history

From the Government Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry When performing a search on Clay Shirky (an adjunct professor in NYU’s graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program [ITP]), the result is no less than 20 pages of factoids, videos, articles, blogs, etc. Mr. Shirky’s understanding of the interrelated effects of social and technological network topology and howRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06302009

Well! I have missed you, and I hope you have missed me. I am just immersed in a project that is so personally satisfying that I can hardly tear myself away from it. It’s a Father’s Day present. My daddy is 80; a retired business executive, a politician, and always very involved politically. That generation?Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.27.2009

Good morning! I am still a little behind, but I’m begging for your mercy …;) I have trouble deciding how to handle FollowFriday. I have been screening it out entirely due to space constraints, but we were missing some great contacts. So today, I am trying something new. I tried to leave the first mentionRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.25.2009

Yes, 06.25.2009 … I am running a bit behind. What with Farrah and Michael and Cap and Trade … what’s a girl to do? Oh, and I have a suggestion for our next GovLoop Project of the Week: Design a comprehensive, fool-proof way to rid my roses of Japanese Beetles … I can not tellRead… Read more »