What Do You Do When You Don’t Have Data Unicorns?
A data unicorn is a mathematician, data scientist and storyteller — someone who is mathematically strong, technically learned and narratively inclined. It’s exceedingly rare to come across them.
A data unicorn is a mathematician, data scientist and storyteller — someone who is mathematically strong, technically learned and narratively inclined. It’s exceedingly rare to come across them.
Robb Shecter, J.D., creator of OregonLaws.org and WebLaws.org — and a member of our community — has released Quisitive, a new iPhone/iPad app that enables searches for U.S. trademarks, as well as research into trade names, branding, and U.S. trademark and copyright law. According to the Quisitive press materials, Quisitive searches current “data from theRead… Read more »
Full text XML, TIFF images, and bibliographic data for U.S. patents and trademarks are now available for bulk download free of charge from Google, according to a June 2, 2010 press release from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The trademark information includes data from 1870 to present, and the patent information includes dataRead… Read more »