Leading in Uncertainty; Using Language to Solve Complex Problems
Getting the language right in terms of the problems agencies are facing can help them address them no matter what uncertainties they are facing.
Getting the language right in terms of the problems agencies are facing can help them address them no matter what uncertainties they are facing.
The more resilient we are, the easier it is to be flexible and adaptable in times of uncertainty and stress.
8 lessons learned from failing fast on innovative projects.
Uncertainty is so acute in my day to day interactions that it has become the new normal.
The world we live in is increasingly complex. While innovation can help us create solutions to manage complexity, embodying its spirit can also help us remain competitive and unafraid of whatever the future may bring.
Intelligence analysis methods in scientific literature In a case study I recently completed I had the welcome opportunity to explore in more detail an interesting phenomenon in scientific publications: selective presentation of study results to scientific audience. The example below illustrates publication bias and multiple publication bias at its “best”. Whilst I do not underestimateRead… Read more »
Defense Department Comptroller Robert Hale said Thursday he is cautiously optimistic that lawmakers will reach an agreement to limit cuts to defense spending under sequestration, Defense One reported Friday. Hale told an audience at the Defense One Summit in Washington he believes budget uncertainty harms the military’s ability to address national security challenges, according toRead… Read more »
The goal of almost all innovations is to take advantage of a predicted future trend or event. There is an entire industry and research field – futurism – devoted to predicting what’s ahead and how to capitalize on things to come. Much of government policy and services are also concerned with accurately predicting the future.Read… Read more »
I just recently returned from a remarkable coaching symposium in Boston which dealt with “Coaching during VUCA Times.” We are all living increasingly in times which are characterized by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity- VUCA. The question is whether we are able to be resilient and adapt to an increasing experience of chaos, or doRead… Read more »
More than likely you don’t fall under either of those two categories as 49 percent of Americans in a recent Washington Post-ABC poll stated that they felt “uncertain” about the future of the US government and how it works. Merely 26 percent said they felt “optimistic” and 23 percent said they felt “pessimistic.” From ourRead… Read more »