The 4 Envelopes: A New Hope…
We turn now to how a new administration could impact the four envelopes and federal IT in general — at least how we hope it could make an impact.
IT Modernization, Policy, Tech
We turn now to how a new administration could impact the four envelopes and federal IT in general — at least how we hope it could make an impact.
Human Resources, Leadership, Policy
U.S. Digital Service (USDS) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) have partnered to test hiring pilots. So far, agencies have positive feedback.
This approach could be particularly useful for technical roles that receive large numbers of applicants but also those that have a clear set of qualifications.
Digital experts at the Homeland Security Department (DHS) are creating air cover for employees to test new ideas and making continuous improvements and iterations a priority for all projects.
In addition to its work with FEMA, DHS Digital Service has also made significant improvements to USCIS, particularly on the Electronic Immigration System.
Digital Government, IT Modernization, Tech
USDS pairs the best and brightest technologists with top federal employees, combining their talents on major challenges facing America.
I would encourage federal tech talent to heed that advice and see what happens. A smart, business-like administration will recognize your talent and re-recruit you to your important work of change and dramatically improving outcomes.
Citizen Engagement, Digital Government
A few weeks ago, I advised federal agencies to build better digital customer experiences. I enjoyed the wave of hate mail that post generated, so I’d like to return to the topic of digital customer experience (CX) again this week. Even the US Digital Service (USDS) thinks federal agencies need better digital CX. Last year,Read… Read more »
Digital Government, Tech, Uncategorized
Last August, when the U.S. Digital Services was announced, I wrote a blog post with 7 Ideas for the USDS. Yesterday, the White House announced in their 2016 budget a $100M program to expand digital services teams into 25 agencies. This is quite an impressive proposal and it also follows my first general tip forRead… Read more »
It’s been about 10 years. Apple went from creating one of the most interesting and successful media playing devices, the iPod, to generating the flagship mobile experience for consumers. Of course, I’m talking about the iPhone. The iPhone is simple, elegant, user friendly, and it just works, but the trick in the iPhone and theRead… Read more »