When People Don’t Die, Thank an Engineer
There are some additional heroes to acknowledge in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: Engineers.
There are some additional heroes to acknowledge in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: Engineers.
Announcing beta.usgs.gov In 1994 when the USGS launched it’s first website, the web was a very different place. Many websites that were launched had little consideration given to, or even had an understanding of, things such user experience, content strategies, or design. Over the next 20 years our USGS web presence has grown immensely asRead… Read more »
Today, the White House demonstrated their support for Big Data in a huge way. Federal agencies have committed over $200M to big data initiatives in the future. Between the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Energy, and United States Geological Survey there are multipleRead… Read more »
Downtown DC, including GovLoop’s office, was evacuated this afternoon after a 5.9 earthquake hit near Richmond, VA. Did you feel it where you live? Our building was definitely shaking, and there were some cracks in the stairwell. According to Twitter, people reported shaking as far away as Toronto and Muncie, IN. USGS has a coolRead… Read more »
This is called a QR code. If you have a smartphone, like a Droid, iPhone, and some others, then you can use the built barcode scanner apps (or download a free one if you don’t have a built in one) to scan the QR image. The image contains information which your phone can identify. InRead… Read more »
The USGS has become Twitter’s first-ever Government case study on their Twitter 101 for Business page. The account highlighted is the @USGSted account (Twitter Earthquake Detector). The snippet from the site: One of the U.S. Geological Survey’s unique responsibilities is the monitoring and reporting of earthquakes, which affect the daily lives of people around theRead… Read more »
UPDATE (Sept 23, 2009): We did an interview with Federal News Radio (Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris — thanks you two!) on our experience with the first @USGS Twitter Chat. Overall, our experience with the Twitter chat went well. We had a lot of retweeting of the planned chat well before it occurred which ledRead… Read more »
Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. I know this is for blog posts, but I wanted to put the word out that we [U.S. Geological Survey] have launched a new USGS Video and Image Gallery. We’re pretty excitedRead… Read more »