Posts Tagged: UX

Usability Testing for .Govs: It’s the Law

The movement to assess and improve the usability of federal government websites is small, vocal, and growing. GSA’s First Fridays program makes free usability testing available to federal agencies, and a wide range of agencies have undertaken their own regular assessments of their sites and applications. Slowly but surely, the archaic mindset that a .govRead… Read more »

The Demise of the Personal Dashboard

I was recently asked how I would architect a personalized dashboard experience for visitors to a large, customer-facing website. My response? I wouldn’t. A dashboard in a car or airplane makes sense. It’s not as if I could click “speedometer” while driving or press the “altimeter” button while flying. I simply need everything at allRead… Read more »

Need a Usability Test on Your Government Website? Can’t afford it? Enter to WIN

All, If you haven’t grabbed your camera and shot a quick video to enter our ‘Win a Free Usability Test’ Video Contest, don’t despair! We’ve extended the deadline to March 9. All that is standing between you and a high-quality website usability test conducted by the GSA First Fridays team is a video explaining whyRead… Read more »