Viral Government Videos: Let’s Do It!
You can’t guarantee your video will go viral, but these tips give you a fighting chance.
You can’t guarantee your video will go viral, but these tips give you a fighting chance.
The following cat videos were posted on the official Social Security Youtube page as well as placed Skip Ads on Youtube to encourage retiring online through our new website. The SSA website redesign is seen in the video as well. All cats and voice over talent were volunteer in an effort to save money. FromRead… Read more »
As posted on Personal Democracy Plus, an online news source focused on how technology is being used in and around government, politics, and civic life. Visit PD+ for more information about discounted group subscriptions for government and non-profits. By MIRANDA NEUBAUER Ever since the 2008 presidential campaign, the national political conversation has been interrupted andRead… Read more »
By now, you’ve probably heard of Caine Monroy, a nine year old boy who built a carnival-like arcade out of cardboard boxes in his dad’s auto shop. The short documentary was viewed more than 4.5 million times in just a week, netting him a $152,000 scholarship, a non-profit foundation to help kids reach their dreams,Read… Read more »
Are you familiar with last year’s Old Spice ad campaign? They featured a formed NFL player and were hilarious. Here’s one of my favorites for context: The true social media genius, though, was that they invited people to tweet requests to him, and then they shot short video responses. In each one, he reads theRead… Read more »
“On Easter Sunday in a small mountain town, the intentionally playful actions of two employees quickly became a worldwide marketing nightmare for a large company franchise. A slow workday at Domino’s Pizza in Conover, N.C. prompted this duo to create videos showing a male sticking cheese up his nose and then putting it on aRead… Read more »
Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. There used to be a time when capturing a funny moment on camera and sending it America’s Funniest Home Videos to win $10,000 (and maybe $100,000 in the finals!) was the mostRead… Read more »
Microsoft State and Local has launched a viral video campaign that is worthy of noting. The point of the campaign is to have state and local government IT employees upload creative video testimonials about how they used technology to help save money and further the mission of their agency — isn’t that what it’s allRead… Read more »